Assignment Task
Visual Journal demonstrating an understanding of place
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Get Help Now!Aboriginal perspectives on place are historical, contemporary, lived, theorised, and expressed in various forms such as song, dance, art, theatre, literature, contemporary music etc. Place can be known as your local neighbourhood, or your home and the street it’s on, or where you grew up, or what you consider to be your “home town,” or mother country if you have a migration story or refugee story. Place-based learning and excursions are central to learning in educational settings and deepening understandings of Aboriginal standpoints.
‘Land’ is used in the special issue as shorthand for land, water, air, and subterranean earth – for example, in discussions of wetlands (Bang et al.) and Sea Country (Whitehorse et al.). Among Indigenous peoples, relationships to land and place are diverse, specific, and un-generalizable (Lowan 2009): Every cultural group established their relations to [their place] over time. Whether that place is in the desert, a mountain valley, or along a seashore, it is in the context of natural community, and through that understanding they established an educational process that was practical, ultimately ecological, and spiritual. In this way they sought and found their life. (Cajete 1994, 113, as cited in Lowan 2009, 47) ‘Land’ is imbued with these long relationships and, as we discuss below, the pedagogies and knowledges that have emerged from those relationships. Significantly, authors in the collection also include the urban in their understandings and practices of land. Land and land education are not considered to occur only outside cities, or in ‘green spaces’ within the urban.
You are to individually create a visual journal that demonstrates your understanding of place from your perspective and position with consideration and reflection of Aboriginal perspectives of place. It is a way to start thinking about a de-colonial way of seeing place around you.
A way to start analysing a colonial lens on the world.
This assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you are considering the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal People’s and their:
- Connection to Country (Traditional Homelands)
- Ability to access or move about freely and safely (particularly on their homelands) to hunt, fish, gather, camp, conduct cultural practices in urban, regional and remote areas
- Legal rights to Aboriginal People’s Homelands
- The right to practice culture when living off one’s Homelands or Country
- The detrimental impact to health and well being of Aboriginal People’s when they are not able to live on, or access Country
And to demonstrate that you are considering:
• Your role in living on un-ceded Aboriginal lands
• The privilege you have to live in Australia and benefit from colonisation
• The unresolved nature of Australian history with Aboriginal dispossession in education, social life and public dialogue
• Your place in Australia and how you understand how Australia came to be the nation it is
• Your story or positionality and your heritage and how you feel you “belong” to or in Australia or not
Create a visual journey that demonstrates your understanding of place from your perspective and your position.
This understanding of place needs to show that you are beginning to think about an Indigenous perspective of place that existed long before invasion and colonisation of Australia. This understanding needs to be demonstrated visually and has to also be annotated
To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.
1. Consider where or what place or places you would like to document (this can be your local neighbourhood, or your home and the street it’s on, or where you grew up, or what you consider to be your “home town,” or mother country if you have a migration story or refugee story.)
2. Create 4 visual journal entries; they can be in the form of; photographs, drawings, paintings, or collages that respond to and “answer” these four questions: These entries must be your own original works, you must consider the composition of your work which conveys a meaning that is complimentary your annotations and responses.
0. Who are the Traditional Owners of Country where you live? Show this in the visual work : eg wording or text that acknowledges Traditional Owners. (If you don’t know who they are, do the research…Search your local council municipality website for starters. Annotate this visual entry with a title, brief description and how you believe you have answered the question with the image.
1. Create an image of a local landmark, (such as the beach, river or creek you may live near. It may be a natural landmark like these, or a human-constructed one, a “natural” space like a park that creates a sense of place. Consider how Aboriginal Peoples gathered historically in these places and how they continue to. Annotate this visual entry with a title, brief description and how you believe you have answered the question with the image.
2. Create an image of a place that might represent reconciliation or acknowledgement of Aboriginal Peoples prior to colonisation and their ongoing connection to this place. Annotate this visual entry with a title, brief description and how you believe you have answered the question with the image.
3. Create an image of a place that you consider to be unresolved for Aboriginal Peoples. This might be a police station, courthouse, school, university, or a freeway that cuts through a waterway. Annotate this visual entry with a title, brief description and how you believe you have answered the question with the image.
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