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Vicarious trauma social workers face in professional practice
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Get Help Now!This is a significant and problematic issue as many individuals and organisations experience vicarious trauma. Social workers are front liners of dealing with trauma where their support and social service assist survivors live meaningful lives after disastrous events (Beddoe & Davys, 2016). However, chronic exposure to other people’s suffering is itself a form of trauma. Social workers can suffer vicarious trauma, which may trigger burnout and chronic mental health issues. Social workers are one of the allied health professionals that face vicarious trauma quite often and it is an issue that is overlooked and not addressed enough in supervision at work places (Beddoe & Davys, 2016).
Beddoe & Davys (2016) quotes that supervision is a crucial part of social work where each professional should be provided with a psychosocial safety climate (PSC) with policies and procedures for the protection of worker psychological health and safety with regular supervision. Learning and advocating for self-care within the profession of social work is not enough to address the overall encompassing aspects of vicarious trauma. There is a need for more research in this area to better educate incoming social workers, as well as experienced social workers about the effects of such trauma (Berrios & Zarate, 2020). The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2011) identifies that about 50% of professionals in the field of community welfare have a higher chance of suffering from PTSD type symptoms and can result to a higher risk of vicarious trauma. Effects often seen with vicarious trauma are cognitive difficulties, intrusive thoughts, avoidance, withdrawal, aggression, and stress (Berrios & Zarate, 2020). Furthermore, Vicarious Trauma can lead to issues at different levels, macro, micro and meso. As mentioned earlier, at a micro level it can affect an individual’s physical and mental health and at a macro level it can lead to social workers providing insufficient services to service users, which can possibly lead to adverse ramifications (Berrios & Zarate, 2020).
Thus, this topic is deserving of research as it can aid in future policy and practice by educating people to identify strategies for not only clients but social workers and people who work for the welfare of the community. It is crucial that people understand how important self-care strategies are for workers and that they can also get burnt out and need a break. My interest in problematising this issue stems from my background of studying social work where I have observed in placement that sometimes the work that is required by my field educator leads her to burn out and not being able to take a break because it can be mentally time consuming. Furthermore, in placement I have observed emotionally traumatising situations where I have observed children from broken families, those who have ADHD, or parents who are also mentally struggling while coping with their children’s challenges.
Hence, recently in placement I made self-care packs with my field educator where we had little gift bags of hand creams, chocolates and a self-care checklist for the staff so that they can start implementing self-care strategies. Thus, this is an important issue and it is extremely crucial to emphasise and understand this issue of vicarious trauma which can turn into a vicious never ending cycle if not dealt with appropriately.
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