Assignment Task
Two-stage Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
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The test rig is comprised of two centrifugal pumps which can be operated one at a time, or in parallel or in series configuration to circulate water from a storage tank through a pipe-nework which is fitted with a venturi meter for flow rate measurement. A variable speed motor drives each pump, and the motor-pump assemblies are fitted with a load cell to measure the motor torque. Also, a tachometer is used to measure the angular speed of each pump’s rotor. Pressure tappings in the pipe network are connected to mechanical pressure gauges as well as pressure transducers to indicate the pressure at various locations in the system. The diagrams below show a photo of the test rig as well as a schematic diagram representing the possible flow directions depending on the valve settings.
2. Experimental Procedure:
There are three different experiments that you will perform using this test rig. The first experiment involves a single pump only, while the and 3′ experiments involve both pumps operated in parallel first and then in series, respectively. The procedure for performing these experiments is outlined below:
4. Discussions of Results and Conclusions:
It is important to properly present your results and discuss them with reference to the relevant theoretical concepts. For this purpose, plot your results for CP vs Co for the three pump configurations on the same graph; repeat this graphing task for CH vs Cu and ri vs Cu. Also, on separate graphs, for the single pump configuration, plot WH, and ri vs Q. Study these graphs and compare them with each other and with such results from external sources such as manufacturers or other published work. You would need to explain any differences or agreements with such results from other sources. All discussions and conclusions should be presented on a single A4 sheet using 12-pt font.
5. Laboratory Experiment Report:
All students are requried to submit a type-written individual technical report about the work which you have compelted for this exercise. It should clearly reflect your involvement in the experiment, your observations, your results and your conclusions.
The report should cover all aspects of the experiment (data collection, calculations, analysis, discussions and conclusions). The report format should be in accordance with standard technical laboratory report writing principles. A brief description for writing laboratory report is provided in the Appendix to this handout.
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