Assignment Task
Template for Assessment: Tiered Lesson
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Provide any contextual information that will help the examiner make sense of your planning decisions; e.g., briefly explain the broader unit into which this lesson fits and the broad aim/s of that unit, and explain where this lesson fits into the unit sequence (Does it come after several introductory lessons? Does it come towards the end of the unit and enable students to apply their knowledge, understandings and skills to a particular learning task? etc.).
Learning Objectives
As appropriate, these should be based on the Australian Curriculum or another relevant framework (e.g., SACE, IB-MYP, or a relevant state framework). You can include specific references to ACARA in parentheses where you have taken an objective verbatim (ACMMG006), or use language like “Adapted from..” if you have made some changes to statements from ACARA, but been guided by these.
Essential Questions
1-3 only. These should help students engage with the “big ideas” or understandings, so make sure that trying to answer your question/s shifts students towards understanding of the objective for understanding; the relationship between your question and the objective should be very clear.
Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness
Explain when the preassessment would be administered in relation to the lesson – e.g., at the end of the previous lesson; structured observations collected over the previous week, etc. Remember that this should be a preassessment of readiness specifically related to the tiered lesson, and not a preassessment for the whole unit, so be clear about how, specifically, this will help you make decisions about differentiation based on individual readiness in relation to the objectives. Refer to appendices as needed.
Explanatory notes
Why have you made the decisions you have in your planning? How are aspects of your lesson designed to cater for readiness differences? You can include brief notes here and then a fuller explanation in a paragraph at the end of your assignment if that works best.
Provide 2-3 paragraphs expanding on your lesson plan notes to clearly explain how your lesson is an example of a tiered lesson designed to address differences in student readiness, and what aspect/s of readiness you are aiming to address. This explanation should demonstrate your understanding of differentiation by readiness, supported by the topic readings and materials. If you are already familiar with the students in your class and some of the readiness-based differences they are likely to bring to this task, this is also the place where you can explain what you know about your students and how your lesson is specifically designed to address some of these needs.
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