
Therapeutic Recreation Analyses – Medical Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


1. What is the primary body position required?

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2. What body parts are required?

3. What types of movement does the activity require?

4. What are the primary senses required for the activity?

5. What is the amount of coordination and movement between body parts required by the activity?

6. What is the degree of hand-eye coordination needed for the activity?

7. What is the degree of strength needed for the activity?

8. What is the degree of speeded needed for the activity?

9. What is the degree of endurance needed for the activity?

10. What is the degree of energy needed for the activity?

11. What is the degree of flexibility needed for the activity?


1. What is the primary social interaction pattern required in the activity?

2. What is the minimum (fewest) number or maximum (greatest) number of people required for the activity?

3. What clothing is needed to be socially appropriate?

4. How much physical proximity is required by the activity?

5. How much physical contact is required by the activity?

6. What degree of communication is required by the activity?

7. What degree of noise is generated by the activity?


1. How many rules are required in the activity?

2. How complex are the rules to understand?

3. What degree of strategy is required in the activity?

4. How degree of complexity is involved in the activity?

5. What degree of long term memory is required in the activity?

6. What degree of short term memory or immediate recall is required in the activity?

7. What degree of verbalisation of thought process is required in the activity?

8. What degree of concentration is required in the activity?

9. What degree of concrete thinking is required by the activity?

10. What degree of abstract thinking is required by the activity?

11. To what degree are each of the following skills used in the activity?

12. To what degree does the participant need to identify or use the following?


1. To what degree does the participant have the opportunity or outlet to express the following?

2. To what degree must the participant control or inhibit the expression of the following?


1. What type of leadership style is required by the activity?

2. What type of equipment is needed for the activity?

3. What type of facility is required by the activity?

4. What is the duration of the activity?

5. What is the number of participants required for the activity?

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