
The Many Crises of Health Care – Nursing Assignment Help

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President Barack Obama’s administration spent much of 2009 preoccupied domestically with the political fight over extending health insurance to the tens of millions of Americans who have none. People living in other industrialized countries find this difficult to understand. They have a right to health care, and even conservative governments do not attempt to take that right away. The difficulties that some Americans have with healthcare reform tell us more about American hostility to government than they do about health care in general. But the debate in the United States highlights an underlying issue that will worry almost every developed country in 2010 and beyond: the struggle to control health-care costs. Health care now accounts for about one dollar in every six of all US spending—private as well as public—and is on trackto double by 2035. That is a greater share than anywhere else in the world, but rising health-care costs are also a problem in countries that spend far less. There are many places where savings can be made. Encouraging people to exercise, to avoid smoking, to use alcohol only in moderation, and to eat less red meat would help to reduce health-care costs. But, given developed countries’ aging populations, the cost of caring for the elderly is bound to rise. So we will have to find other ways to save money. Here it makes sense to start at the end. Treating dying patients who do not want to go on living is a waste, yet only aSinger, P. (2017). Ethics in the real world : 82 brief essays on things that matter. Princeton University Press. Created from lakehead-ebooks on 2022-01-30 16:50:03. Copyright © 2017. Princeton University Press. All rights reserved. 

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