
The Effectiveness of the Language Teaching Methodology – Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Part 1: Discussion of your practical activity followed by a rationale for the lesson plan drawing on theories from SLA and methodologies. (1500 words)
A. Present the focus of the activity that you delivered in your practical providing details such as: What was the focus of the activity? 
Provide a thorough description of the formal properties of the item in focus.
B. Demonstrate your knowledge of the focus of the activity in use:
Explain the functional use of the item in focus and contrast it with similar forms to demonstrate your knowledge of the broader topic. E.g. uses of the present continuous contrasted with the present simple/ formal request contrast with informal requests and other speech acts. You should include reference to literature to frame your discussion which may include reference to (other) language systems, their functions, cultural differences in language in use etc.)
C. Describe how your activity from the practical assignment fits into an extended lesson:

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You should outline how the item in focus in your practical would fit into an extended series of lessons or syllabus. What should students know or have practiced before?What would subsequent lesson involve? Provide a rationale about your extended series of lessons/syllabus and include reference to literature (e.g. on syllabus design) to support your extended lesson series rationale.

  • Reflect on the activity itself by providing details of, for example:
  • The effectiveness of the language teaching methodology it corresponds to.
  • The challenges you faced in designing the activity and/ or the lesson plan.
  • How you decided to address the aims and objectives of the lesson plan and how you adjusted it to the level of the students.
  • Strengths or limitations of the activity or materials
  • You may also wish to reflect on the evaluations of the micro teaching sessions and how you used these evaluations to create your teaching practice.

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