Plan assessment activities and processes
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[Describe your intended cohort or individual: Class size, age, or year level if applicable and how this unit applies to any other course that it may be a part of]
Purpose of the assessment
- recognise existing skills and knowledge
- determine the language, literacy and numeracy needs of candidates
- establish candidate progress towards achievement of competence
- determining if competence has been achieved following learning
- check whether a candidate knows how to perform a task
- determine skills gaps of a candidate
- classify employees and support career development
- gain a license or regulatory requirement
- establish progress towards a qualification or Statement of Attainment.
Instructions to RPL assessor
Evidence requirements
The RPL applicant should provide a variety of documentation for this task. The RPL plan and instructions will guide them to the types of quality evidence that can be submitted.
Verifying assessment instructions
As an assessor, you need to ensure that RPL applicants submit suitable evidence that meets the requirements of the elements, each performance criteria, the specific performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements. Be sure to make it clear to RPL applicants that their aim is to come up with evidence to cover the entire unit of competency.
Completing the evidence collation sheet
RPL applicants should be instructed to tick the relevant column on the evidence collation sheet to note what forms of evidence they are submitting against which criteria. You will be required to use one of the columns yourself for ticking off whether their verbal responses during the RPL competency interview satisfactorily meet the underpinning knowledge requirements.
Range of evidence
Evidence to look for with this chosen unit
Write here, so that it is built into these assessor instructions, a specific dot point list of evidence that you are recommending the applicant submits. This should match exactly the same as what you put in your first document, the assessment plan above.
Third party report requirements
While specific evidence types are not always required, you should be careful where an RPL applicant just submits, for example, third party reports, and no other evidence, especially where you expect other forms of evidence to exist.
RPL interview questioning
The questions provide key points to look for in the applicants responses. You may wish to use these key points to formulate questions of your own, contextualise, or rephrase the suggested questions to suit the appplicants particular work situation. Be sure to keep a record of all responses.
You may need to ask additional questions or pose hypothetical situations to determine current knowledge and experience. Any additional questions asked and the corresponding responses must be recorded as evidence.
Reviewing submitted evidence
You, as RPL assessor will need to confirm the applicants previous work experience by contacting any referees and third parties provided as part of their evidence submission.
Providing feedback and guidance to RPL applicants
You are required to provide feedback to the applicant on their submission as it progresses and where you have determined more evidence is required, you will need to detail further suitable examples.
Making assessment decisions
Upon conclusion of the process, you must advise the applicant whether they can be awarded the unit of competency or if gaps have been identified during the recognition process. If they do have skill gaps, you can provide further advice on how these may be addressed through additional training.
If alternatively, you have determined that they will need to complete the full unit be sure to direct them to the correct procedure to do so.
What is RPL?
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) is a form of assessment that recognises skills and knowledge gained through formal training conducted by industry or education; work experience and life experience including paid and volunteer work and skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or linguistic abilities.
What you need to do
For the unit selected you are required to submit documentation and other evidence that meets the requirements of each performance criteria in the unit of competency and satisfies the specific performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements. Please provide us with as much evidence as possible to support your claim for RPL.
You can only submit an RPL claim for an entire unit, not part of it, so make sure that you can complete the whole unit by RPL before proceeding. Talk to your assessor as they may be able to give you some help and suggest things that you can do to complete your RPL claim for this unit.
What evidence you can supply
The examples of evidence that can be supplied is varied and may include many things – a past qualification, a current CV, a current job description, a third-party report, files and documents, observations conducted in the workplace by a qualified assessor, photos, videos, PD log, and a face to face or phone interview with your assessor.
The evidence needs to be of good quality and be recent examples.
Evidence specific to the unit
Write here, so that it is built into these applicant instructions, a specific dot point list of evidence that you are recommending they gather. This should match exactly the same as what you put in your first document, the assessment plan above.
Evidence collation sheet
Use the RPL template on the following page to cross reference (map) the evidence you are supplying against each of the elements, the performance and the knowledge evidence of the unit of competency.
Resources required for assessment
If not clearly stated prior, check with your assessor to confirm in what format/s they require the evidence to be submitted and how to reference it. Your assessor will also notify you if any specific resources or other workplace personnel are required to support the RPL assessment process.
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