
Stakeholder Engagement Project – Management Assignment Help


This assessment task requires you to:

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  • develop and implement stakeholder engagement for a project of sufficient complexity to demonstrate the full range of performance requirements
  • implement a range of appropriate stakeholder communication mechanisms for a project
  • demonstrate effective team leadership for project team and stakeholders.

Assuming your organization was awarded the following tender:

ATM ID: NAA RFT 20xx/1058
Agency: National Archives of Australia
Category: 81110000 – Computer services
Close Date & Time: 15-Aug-20xx 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Publish Date: 15-Jul-20xx
Location: ACT Canberra
ATM Type: Request for Tender
APP Reference: NAA20XX-1
Multi Agency Access: No
Panel Arrangement: No

A service provider is being sought for the technical upgrade of the Archives’ website Destination: Australia. In order to ensure the best value for money and optimal functionality (for the website and related exhibition interactive) going forward, it is necessary for the website to be transferred from a proprietary CMS to a commonly available CMS (including, but not limited to, an Open Source CMS).

The website will enable the National Archives of Australia to collect user contributed data about the photographic collection featured on the site. The interface must be modern,engaging and user-friendly, designed to meet the needs of people of all ages, and differing levels of computer and English literacy. The website must interact successfully with an exhibition interactive via an existing API. There is an option for hosting, maintenance and support services to be provided from contract execution until 31 December 2019. Timeframe for Delivery: November/December 20XX with a possible extension of up to 3 years for hosting and maintenance.

The Requirement

The National Archives of Australia (Archives) (the Customer) is responsible under the Archives Act 1983 (Cth) for the preservation and storage of Commonwealth records, including the archival resources of the Commonwealth.

This procurement request relates to the website redevelopment and hosting and maintenance services for website Destination: Australia. 
The photographs showcased on this website are part of the Immigration Photographic Archive (Series A12111). This collection comprises more than 22,000 black-and-white and colour photographs taken by government photographers between 1946 and 1999 to record the arrival and settlement of migrants in Australia after World War II. The photographs were used in newspapers, magazines, posters, brochures and displays to promote Australia as a prosperous welcoming nation to potential migrants and to reassure the Australian public that new migrants would readily settle into the Australian way of life. In 2014, Destination: Australia was upgraded to encourage users to upload their own photographs and stories to share their migrant experience, further adding rich personal context to the Archives’ collection. These ‘Feature Stories’ are also available (via an API) in
a ‘Globe’ interactive in the Archives’ exhibition A Ticket to Paradise?, which is touring nationally from April 2016 to September 2019.

• Redevelopment of existing website Destination: Australia
• Software to be either open source or common-use proprietary Content Management System (CMS)
• One website prototype round, with testing and feedback
• Website testing including content review
• Final revisions
• Final testing and bug fixes
• Website handover
• Final documentation including website style guides, master templates, admin userguidelines, technical specifications. This must be written in English with clear instructions for non-technical experts to operate the CMS.


  • External hosting and ongoing support with a service level agreement (3 years).
  • Updates and post implementation changes in response to user feedback

Required deliverables
API compatibility

  • The website must continue to work with the pre-existing API linking the content with an exhibition interactive
  • The administrator account to the Destination: Australia CMS must have a check box function that allows the administrator to select which feature stories will be published through the API to the exhibition interactive.
  • The API must be able to draw all user-added content in the selected feature stories, including photographs, through to the linked exhibition interactive.
  • The website will support sourcing and storing its data from the Archives’ API, according to API calls provided by the Archives, to ensure valid, up to date data is displayed on the website.
  • The website must successfully GET, POST and PUT and DELETE data using the API within agreed timeframes.
  • Data from the API contains a mix of official records and user generated content
  • API compatibility and function must be maintained at all times until December 2019
  • The successful supplier will be provided with further documentation on the API.


  • All elements of the solution must comply with the relevant Australian Government mandatory criteria including meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0  to Level AA. Refer to the Australian Government Digital Transformation Office website for more information 
  • Any online forms should include identifying mandatory fields, error validation and error suggestion on input fields (e.g. include @ for email addresses), as per the WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
  • All elements of the solution must display consistently across popular Windows, Macintosh and Linux browsers including Internet Explorer (V9 up), Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
  • Code to ensure ease of use and accessibility from desktop, tablet and smart phone / mobile platforms using responsive interface design. 

Privacy, security and intellectual property

  • Data captured in online forms should reflect the Australian Privacy Principles (which unify the National Privacy Principals and the Information Privacy Principles) and security obligations of (ASD). Including any updates to how data should be stored according to the Australian Privacy Principles or security obligations.
  • Website security appropriate to support administration module, members’ pages, API developer key hidden and enables encryption of stored data including indexes and registered user’s personal details e.g. email address.

Within your practice environment, complete each of the following parts (Note: Parts of this assessment task, such as project execution, will be simulated in your practice environment):

A. Using the stakeholder register and power and interest grid below, list all stakeholders, their power and interest (and why they received this rating) as well as assessment information, stakeholder classification and potential strategies for engagement.

B. Give an example where you experienced an issue that involved the differing interests of stakeholders. Describe how you resolved this issue and their differing interests.

C. You are now in the execution phase of the project and the engagement levels of stakeholders needs to be compared to the planned engagement levels. Fill out a Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix for all of the stakeholders previously identified showing variance with planned engagement. Show at least one variance between planned and actual engagement.

D. Explain the variance between planned and actual engagement. Why has this happened?

E. What did you suggest/do to correct stakeholder engagement?

F. Give an example where you identified and clarified stakeholder expectation in terms of organisation performance indicators or in responding to conflict or differences in: culture, ethnic background, other personal characteristics of project individuals, religion or skills.

G. Give an example where you identified and addressed an individual’s development needs in supporting stakeholder engagement.

H. Give examples of how you distributed the work to the team and ensured they operated within their defined roles?

I. Give an example where one of your team needed support in terms of interpersonal skills in stakeholder engagement. How did you assist them?

J. Brainstorm and list as many reasons as your group can think of for common problems which lead to a variance in stakeholder engagement. This could be based on your past experience, reading you have undertaken or your general understanding of projects.

K. How did you ensure Stakeholders agreed on the methods of communication and level of engagement planned?

L. Give an example where you have identified a variance in managing stakeholder communications. This could be where you discovered incorrect or misleading content, missing reports, untimely distribution or there has been a stakeholder complaint. Describe how this variance was identified and resolved.

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