Research Methods + Appliance
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This module is designed to enable graduates to prepare and write scientific research, and the preparation of reports and proposals. Graduates will be able to identify stages of scientific research such as problem and objective identification, data collection, data analysis and their evaluations for hypothesis testing.
Aims of teaching
The course aims to teach the skill of “scientific writing” as a competence in developing knowledge by finding, using and working self-standingly on existing sources (text, image, practice) and to make the process of developing knowledge transparent as well as plausible for writer and audience.
Course structure
The course consists of input (by lectures and texts as well as by literature, appropriate for self-studying) and immediate appliance of the input. The appliance is related to an exercise, working on a self-selected theme: training all the steps of setting up a piece of scientific writing according to a provided list of working steps and comments from a provided excerpt of a handbook about learning the skill. The provided list of steps for working on the exercise can be used as an open framework for finding the right methodical approach to a specific theme.
Learning outcomes
A presentation of the process of “developing knowledge” (for attracting the audience) and a pure text (for self-approval to be able to apply the rules of the skill). Both the outcomes need to guide the audience/ the reader from a starting point of realizing and using existing knowledge throughout the process of developing the existing knowledge towards a final outcome of a conclusion which gives an answer to a valid thematic question.
- Preparing, conceptualizing and carrying out a scientific elaboration
- Developing existing knowledge by leading an argument with oneself or others – to be made transparent
- Defining the starting point of knowledge as the basis, ideally with reference to the international discourse about the subject
- Outlining and carrying out an appropriate research method relative to goals and objectives to be selected and reasoned
- Identifying, categorizing, evaluating and interpreting essential sources of knowledge relative to their places of availability (f.i. in archives, regional chronicles, document books, listings of preservation protection and monumental heritage)
- Applying sources from different places of finding for assessing the sources critically and setting up a valid catalogue of sources with scientific relevance per theme/ subject of investigation
- Relating sources of information back to their origins in science and knowledge production and evaluate/ apply them accordingly
- Developing, conceptualizing and carrying out empirical parts of research with reasons in accordance to the selection of method structure and existing theories
- Developing, applying and testing theories relative to case-studies
- Evaluation research outcomes per stage of developing knowledge relative to the starting point and to stages/ investigation
- Binding the selection of themes and methods to qualitative approaches, ideally based on holistic concepts for an environmental sustainability
- Synthesizing rational and intuitive knowledge by arguing according to “true judgement”
- Finding appropriate ways of presenting sources, their evaluation and appliance per theme/ subject of investigation
- Finding appropriate ways of addressing research results to different groups of (un-educated, non-scientifically skilled) people
Form of examination
Delivery of final presentation/ final text as the result of the working exercise, guided by two- weekly individual supervision by Email.
II. EXERCISE: STEPS OF WORK (individually to be applied relative to theme and methodical approach)
1. DEFINITION – Research Interest: Theme, field, observations assumptions, resulting questions, reason/ motif for selection, relevance for the international discourse
2. Starting research activity = Collecting information about the selected field
3. Defining starting point of knowledge, developing knowledge from stage A to B to C to D reading, perceiving, following up existing information, widening range of aspects relative to existing questions, locally, regionally, globally; Consider:
What do we know for certain? What do we want to know? How to achieve a valid answer?
4. QUESTION/ ANSWERS – Clarify/ specify the research question throughout the process of collecting and evaluating knowledge.
5. Narrowing down the research question relative to an assumed focus (collecting further on/ evaluating)
6. Facing the focus from different angles of view, enfolding a discussion with yourself.
7. Searching for values/ criteria for answering. Setting a
9. DISCUSSION: Values and criteria are showing the way to find an appropriate method for working on the final conclusion by building up a position
- philosophy of approach (intuitio + ratio)
- sciences as a tool to be applied on the philosophy
- position: way of judging on findings
- testing the appropriateness of position and correcting it, if necessary
10. Definition: Preliminary answer – to be confronted to the international discourse and discussed within the context of findings
11. CONCLUSION about a valid answer to a valid question
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