Assignment Task
A1. Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analyzing and interpreting, and communicating);
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“Going green” is a new trend for Canadian citizens. Businesses and government are pressurized to find solution to environmental problems. It is important, as scientists, for us to understand the negative effects on nthe environment of certain practices and to learn ways to minimize or eliminate these issues.
Currently more and more products are being advertised as green. Buyers are deciding between green and conventional products whether it be cleaning products, green grocery bags, office supplies and so on. Your group will prepare an advertisement to sell your product and convince customers to buy it. In this task you will plan, develop, design and market a green product. You will be purposeful in your design and your product will illustrate at least one of the principles of green chemistry.
Your task is to research the effects on the environment of one household or industrial practice.Conduct scientific research in groups of two to three on one of the following topics listed.
1. Write a problem statement.
2. Conduct Research on the following points:
a. Describe your issue. What is it?
b. Why is your topic an issue? Describe the effects on the environment. Consider air, water and oil, as well as any effects on animals and plants.
c. Are there any government programs in place to work on this issue? Can regular people do anything to minimize the effects on the environment?
d. The principles of green chemistry
e. Any regulations or restrictions on companies marketing products as green.
f. What makes green products appealing to investors and consumers?
g. A selection of products that you are interested in working on.
Identify solutions and make decisions:
Now you will design a green alternative to the conventional product.
For your green alternative research the same points that you use for the conventional product and compare the two products in response to the following questions:
1. What makes your product greener?
2. What makes your production processes greener?
3. What makes your green alternative more attractive to the consumer?
What to Hand In?
- A presentation summary.
- Your research notes.
- A list of references you used to get your information.
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