Assignment Task
Population Health and Society
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How do I choose a scenario for the Case Report?
Three scenarios have been provided for you from which you can choose ONE. You might want to choose the scenario that interests you most.
How many determinants should I choose to write about? In the section on Determinants, you are required to be as comprehensive as you can to identify determinants from the four domains (biological, behavioural, social and environmental) that are relevant to the scenario. In the Analysis of Services, be specific about which key social and environmental determinants (just these two domains) on which you wish to focus.
How much of the Case Report should be based on the scenario I have chosen?
You should base your assessment writing on the details of the scenario, but you do not need to refer to the person by name.
What should I avoid doing in this assessment?
One of the key concepts of the unit is that although populations groups have increased or decreased likelihood for risk or experiences, it is also important not to make assumptions about individuals or use biased language. E.g. “she is likely to smoke” is inappropriate whereas “this population experience have higher rates of smoking” is appropriate. Another inappropriate inclusion is victim-blaming. This implies the cause or fault is from the person themselves. In this unit we are learning concepts of the other forces that shape a person’s behaviour and to mitigate assumptions and prejudice around behaviours. Use language about risk and likelihood of behaviours or outcomes according to evidence only.
Is there a limit to how old references can be?
No. Instead you should think critically about whether a piece of evidence or information is too old. This is especially important for epidemiological health outcomes data.
• Base your work on best evidence – recent and relevant.
• Be specific, concise, and reasoned in your response.
• Aim for consistency throughout sections of your assessment.
Can I use dot points or visuals in my Case Report?
No. Often dot points are used in reports but in this assessment, we aim to optimise your opportunities to practice, and receive feedback from, a balanced and well-reasoned response to the questions provided in sentence form.
Can I use figures and tables in my Case Report?
No. Again these are usually part of large reports but for this small piece of work we want you to practice your academic writing to provide a balanced and well-reasoned response to the questions provided.
Do I need an introduction and conclusion?
No, the sections already incorporate these. The background to the condition is the introduction to the report. The recommendation provides a conclusion to your work.
How much do I need to write for each section?
There is no word count for each section, however we recommend you guide your word count for each section according to the weighting of each section as outlined in the rubric.
Can I submit a draft for feedback?
No. You can however use Study Smart:
Are in-text references included in the word count?
Yes, but the reference list is excluded. Headings are also not included in the word count.
What is the penalty for going over the word limit?
There is no specific mark penalty, instead the marker will evaluate your work only up to the word limit.
Can I go over the word limit by 10%?
Yes but this is a buffer if needed, not your aim. Marking will stop at 1100 words.
Do I use 1.5 or double spacing?
We recommend 1.5 spacing but you won’t be penalised if you use double spacing because this is the official APA style.
Can I submit to Turnitin more than once?
Absolutely. We recommend you submit a draft at least once to check for text matching. Any subsequent submissions replace the previous version. The last version submitted before or at the due time will be marked.
What do you do if you are not sure how to reference?
Referencing does not have to be something you “learn” it is something you access.
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