Assignment Task
Philosophy and Leadership of Occupational Safety and Health Improvement
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Get Help Now!1. Welcome – Module Introduction
Welcome to the PRS4222 Philosophy and Leadership of Occupational Safety and Health Improvement, I hope that you find the topics covered within the module helpful and applicable to you and of course I hope that you also find them enjoyable. This handbook is designed to assist you in your studies and will provide the core information relating to the module, including assessment and teaching process. You should also refer to the University Catalogue and to the University Regulations on Middlesex University UniHub. In this handbook you will find reference material for the topic area, together with a reading list and websites which are appropriate to the broad issues pertaining to the working environment. It is advisable to read round the topic area and in particular to explore the approaches taken by agencies, including local authorities, employers and voluntary organisations in improving the working environment.
You should be evaluating their successes and failings and on whose basis success is judged. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the time of production. Any updates or changes will be made available to you through the lecture periods. No part of this module material may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way except for personal usage – including, but not limited to, photocopying, or magnetic or electronic recording – without the prior agreement and written permission of Middlesex University. Your comments on any improvements in this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing (with the name of the handbook) to the campus student office. You are also able to discuss your concerns with the module leader and provide feedback through the module evaluation form found at the rear of this document or given to you to complete.
The aim of this module is to take an organisational and strategic view of management, leadership, partnership and policy for occupational health and safety together with key legal principles on which safety law is based. It will also explore differing philosophical positioning, theories and approaches that underpin the practice of safety management. The role of the internal and external organisational drivers that affect and effect safety performance will be explored. Students will acquire skills in risk assessment and risk management as well as accident investigation and safety improvement initiative.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, successful students will be able to:
1. Critically appraise the key principles of legal and regulatory frameworks and the origins on which they are founded, including the formulation of statute, guidance, and role of case law including a review of international approaches.
2. Critique the position of policy and policy formulation in a variety of settings and contexts and the position occupational health and safety within the context of an
overarching strategic agenda.
3. Critically evaluate the range of formal and informal management, leadership and followership theory, including performance indicators and how their approaches are
applicable to a range of safety management approaches.
4. Appraise the internal and external factors and drivers affecting organisational psychology, perceptions and actions and examine concepts of human factors, human
error and how these influence individual perceptions, attitudes and behaviours including the relationship to management functions and social, political and cultural
constructs of risk acceptability.
5. Evaluate and demonstrate application of ergonomics and human factors in workplace design and the relationship to organisational functions and decision making.
6. Exhibit critical insight into the interaction between various aspects of professional practice, competent advice and accountability in occupational risk professions
Learning Materials
This module has a variety of learning resources available for you to use to support your learning. These include module notes, worked examples, solutions to exercises, feedback, podcasts, and key reading materials. These can be accessed online via the module page. Please visit the module page regularly to make use of these.
Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
4. Learning resources
This module has a variety of learning resources available for you to use to support your learning. These include module notes, worked examples, solutions to exercises, feedback, podcasts, and key reading materials. These can be accessed online via the module page. Please visit the module page regularly to make use of these.
5. Making the most of your module.
The module team are here to help and support you achieve your goals. One of the key elements to successfully completing this module is engaging with all of the learning
opportunities we offer as well and working with your peers to support one another. This module is designed as a combination of contact sessions, directed study and
independent study. This means you must participate in all the allocated sessions and you must complete all set prework and activities outside them. Students are expected to take an active part in all learning sessions whether these are online or on campus; lectures, lab sessions, practical classes, seminars and workshops.
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