Assignment Task
Nursing Essay
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Critically identify and discuss the relevant legal and ethical considerations in relation to the case study provided. Critical evaluation involves giving your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings are true or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence from a wide range of sources. Come to a final conclusion and discuss this, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your decision. Ethical considerations relate to the ethical principles that guide professional nursing practice.
What to Focus On
- Professional practice for nurses
- Codes of ethics, practice and conduct for nurses
- Current common law and statute legislation (statutory law) relating to criminal activity and professional practice for nurses. Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (2009).
- Role and responsibility of the professional regulatory bodies for nursing eg AHPRA and ANMAC.
Detailed Instructions Step by Step
1. Read the case study below and critically identify and discuss the relevant legal and ethical issues from a nursing perspective. Think about the choice that Alice has – does she “tell on” her friend, should she? Is she morally and ethically obligated to? Or is she legally obligated? Consider the points about Sarina’s behaviour and how telling Alice about her conviction, but not telling AHPRA or the NMBA, now involves her in the situation.
• Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (2009)
• Ethical principles of Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice
• Ethical decision making framework
2. Write a response to the essay topic above using essay structure with an introduction, body paragraphs – that include the key points listed above – and conclusion (see detailed instructions below).
3.When you have completed your essay, submit your essay with your reference list to Turnitin (Moodle submission point: Assessment Task 2 – DRAFT essay)
4. Review your Turnitin similarity report and make any changes to your essay to improve your referencing or inclusion of evidence for your final draft. Contact an LSA or the ASK desk if you do not understand the changes you need to make to your draft essay.
5. Now you are required to write a brief reflection in your final draft (put this after the reference list) on your Turnitin similarity report and any changes you made (see detailed instructions below).
6. Once you have done this, submit your essay final essay via the Moodle submission point: Assessment Task 2 – FINAL Essay Submission.
7. Be mindful of the time as there will no be no assistance available if you encounter technical problems. You must contact IT in the first instance if you have any submission issues. The course coordinator CANNOT HELP YOU with assignment submission technical issues – that is what IT is for.
Structure and Introduction
- Background information that introduces the topic.
- Description of the issues related to this topic
- Direct response to the essay topic eg critically identify and discuss relevant legal and ethical issues relating to the case study.
- Overview of main areas to be discussed in body paragraphs
Case Study Information For Essay:
Sarina is a second-year nursing student at Federation University. She is currently on a three-week clinical placement at a local hospital 150kms from the university. She has been staying at the hospital in student accommodation with Alice and a few other students from her university and other universities. At the end of the first week of placement some of the students had a small get together and consumed alcohol as well as other drugs. Sarina believed she had not had too much alcohol and decided to drive home after the party for the weekend. Just as she reached the outskirts of town she was pulled over by police for a random alcohol and drug test. Sarina’s result indicated she was over the limit at a blood alcohol reading of 0.20. She also tested positive for marijuana use.
Sarina was charged with drink driving and being under the influence of illicit drugs. Due to the severity of the blood alcohol level her driver’s license was cancelled on the spot and she was not able to drive any further. She was taken back to the Police station for further blood testing. Sarina was given a court date to appear before a Magistrate and was subsequently convicted of driving under the influence of both alcohol and drugs. She received a fine and her driver’s license was cancelled for three months.
Sarina was able to organise transport back to the hospital but would remain reliant on friends and family to drive her where she needed to go for the remainder of her clinical placement. She was embarrassed by her conviction and did not want to disclose it, however she knew that as a student Registered Nurse she was obligated to inform AHPRA of the conviction within 7 days of it occurring. She did not, as she was concerned that she would not be able to continue with her Bachelor of Nursing degree. Sarina confided in another student, Alice from Federation University, about what had happened. Alice reminded Sarina that she had to inform the University as well as AHPRA about the conviction. Sarina said she would, however she chose not to.
Alice was now in a situation where she knew about the conviction but wanted to give Sarina time to do the right thing in reporting it to AHPRA and the University. During the final week of clinical placement Sarina had still not informed the university or AHPRA about the situation, and Alice could see signs of stress when she spoke to Sarina. She planned to approach the subject with Sarina in the medication room during their shift together to ensure she had followed the professional guidelines and legal requirements of notifying AHPRA of her conviction and the University. However, when she entered the medication room the schedule 8 medication cupboard was open, Sarina was alone without her buddy RN, and Alice witnessed Sarina pocket a sleeve of Endone from an open box. Alice had no choice but to inform the Nurse Unit Manager and her Clinical Facilitator about what had just occurred. Sarina was subsequently reported to the Police for theft and to the clinical placement coordinator at Federation University.
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