Assignment Task
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Get Help Now!The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of principles of evidence-based nursing practice by completing a literature review to inform nursing practice.
Course objectives being addressed:
CO1. Critically evaluate the skills required to incorporate research findings into nursing practice.
CO2. Apply critical thinking skills and inquiry strategies to search databases and locate credible, clinically relevant research literature.
CO3. Critique research literature using appropriate frameworks and tools.
What you need to do:
Choose three (3) research articles using the databases which provide evidence on single nurse checking of medications and/or double nurse checking of medications in medication administration.
Critique the research articles using the frameworks and tools provided in the NURS 3055 course materials.
After critiquing the research articles, formulate recommendations for practice about how to integrate the findings to the nursing practice in relation to safe nursing administration of medications.
Detailed introduction.
Background, aim (or questions) and structure of the literature review are clear and logical.
Safe nursing administration of medications is important at all healthcare settings. According to the Joint Commission (2012), medication errors are any preventable event which will cause inappropriate medication use or impact patient safety. Medication errors are the top error in health care (Centers for Disease Control [CDU], 2013). In the following literature reviews, the three basic elements: an introduction or background information section; the body; and conclusions/recommendations sections are covered.
An example, how often they basically find mistakes when applying a certain procedure. The frequency of interruptions at the time of double-checking was also assessed.
Similarly, Modic et al. (2016, p. 154-160) carried out a research to study the effectiveness of a subcutaneous insulin double-checking preparation intervention on insulin administration errors as it was reported that insulin accounts for 3.5% of medication errors.
As double-checking is one of the best methods to reduce errors but also, medication errors still happen. Therefore, research based on double-checking of medications administration in paediatric patients was carried out to evaluate paediatric nurses’ adherence to the practice of double-checking during medication administration and also to find out the frequency, types and rates of medication administration errors which occur even though the nurses practiced double-check.
Body: discussion.
Present the search plan you used in locating three (3) research articles that are relevant to the aim or question(s) for the literature review.
Advanced search plan for locating three (3) research articles that are relevant for the aim (or questions) of the literature review.
Relevancy of each research article.
Explain how each research article is relevant to the aim or question(s) for the literature review.
Advanced explanation of the relevancy of each research article to the aim, or question(s) of the literature review.
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