De-extinction of New Zealand fauna —e-Poster.
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Get Help Now!It is the year 2100. A number of endemic species went extinct in New Zealand at the beginning of the 21° century. With advances in molecular ecology methods and the rise of resurrection biology, it is now possible to bring these species back to life. You have been assigned one target species that is being considered for de-extinction and must collect the required information about that species to evaluate the possibility of successful resurrection. Your task is to assess the viability of such a de-extinction, using the techniques learned in the course.
A closely related species is required to bear the embryos (or lay the eggs) and to raise the first generation of de-extinct animals. You need to build a phylogenetic tree including your target species as well as the potential surrogate species provided, to determine the closest living relative to your target species (do not add
extra surrogate species to the list. However IF genetic data is missing from a database you may substitute a near relative. Ask if in doubt). You will need to assess “genetic distances” to make a decision and justify your surrogate selection.
The long-term survival of your de-extinct species will rely on the availability of appropriate food resources in the release areas. For each of the target species, faecal samples were collected before they went extinct and analysed using next generation sequencing methods. You need to determine the diet of the target species based on the existing next generation sequencing data, then assess whether that will suit survival.
Other considerations may be important for ensuring successful de-extinction. Consequently, discuss, in terms of overall viability, the suitability of your target species as a candidate for de-extinction in light of the scientific literature (at least three peer-reviewed papers).
Assessment Requirements:
A) The Poster:
• Each student is required to submit a written assignment in the form of a scientifk poster in electronic format
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