Pipetting Techniques & Standard Curve
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Get Help Now!Perfunctory elements
Perfunctory elements to include are: descriptive contents page; page numbering; dates; no blank spaces; experiment titles. These are either present or not and marks will be awarded on completeness.
Completion of specific questions associated with practicals
Answer all questions shown in the Practical manual for either practical 2 or 3. Marks will be awarded on completeness.
Each part of a practical should have an appropriate aim, not just an overall aim for the whole practical. These should reflect your own belief about the purpose of the experimental procedure undertaken.
This section should accurately reflect the methods used in the practical. You should not just copy the methods from the Practical manual.
Results should be recorded in an appropriate way, such as being tabulated or graphed properly.
Be mindful of layout and providing units. Note that each table or graph should have an appropriate descriptor, that is each table requires a descriptive title and each graph requires a descriptive figure legend. For example, Table 1: Preparation of standard dilutions of DCIP.
Discussion and Self-reflection
Include a detailed discussion of your results for each practical, e.g. include your thoughts on accuracy, precision and/or your confidence in the results presented. Where relevant, discussions should include reference to the broader literature, e.g. “this is similar to many other enzymes, such as enzyme X and enzyme Y, where there is a narrow pH range and where they have maximum catalytic activity. However, it contrasts with enzyme A and enzyme B, which have very broad pH tolerance. The latter come from bacteria, which are subject to a broad range of environmental conditions, therefore, enzyme A and B are likely required for activity over a wider pH range.” Include a Self-reflection section for each practical. In this section you need to first describe what you have learned from your experience engaging with the practical material, and then consider how you would change your behaviour in light of this new learning. You may also wish to consider what you have enjoyed (and why) and what areas you need to improve (and why).
Note: Do not copy the work submitted by another individual. Be aware of what constitutes plagiarism and the consequences that arise if evidence of plagiarism is detected.
Practical Skills Quiz
The Practical Skills Quiz will contain multiple choice questions and short answer questions. These will have unequivocal answers. Please note that specific questions relating to practical 5 (kinetics) will be included in the Practical Skills Quiz.

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