
Patients to Investigate Non-antibiotic Uti Prevention Strategies Nursing Assignment Help

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fluid, or juice tested and omitted antimicrobials and cranberries in a non-liquid form such as a tablet, powder, or supplement, or fruit. However, the meta-analysed RCTs reveal that higher fluid intake reduces recurrent UTIs at six months but not at 12 months. The total number of UTIs also decreased. The subset of Ras evaluating antibiotic use showed a similar reduction, not statistically significant, but these results were regarded with caution due to clinical and statistical heterogeneity (Scott et al., 2020). The second article addresses the meta-analysis results conducted on the effectiveness of preventive antibiotics, which reveal an 85 % reduction in recurrent urinary tract infections. The participants in this meta-analysis were 1120 women from 19 different studies where antibiotics were administered continuously for 6-12 months, resulting in lower UTI rates. However, long-term antibiotic use can cause bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotic and other antimicrobial drugs. Furthermore, antibiotic stewardship has recently highlighted the necessity for cautious thinking before prescription antibiotics. 

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