
Online Dispute Resolution in Reality – Law Assignment Help

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“Eventually ODR may be the way we resolve most of the problems in our lives, with algorithmic approaches even more trusted than human powered resolutions.”The emergence of disruptive technologies has transformed how the conflict is resolved. If Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an efficient method of resolving dispute. With the development of technologies, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is considered as an efficient mechanism in ADR. Through ODR, access barriers are reduced. However, the benefits of personal interaction are restricted in traditional ODR appraoches. This article focuses on the shifting of dispute resolution from the traditional ODR approach to the one called Mixed Reality or Holography or Telepresence also called as Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs).Sela noted that the evolution of ODR was driven by two primary pragmatic and ideological forces. The main force of emergence of ODR was the rise in online activities and services, spearheaded by e- commerce and fueled by unprecedented advancements in online communication, computation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The second catalyst of ODR was the growing impact of the “effective access to justice” movement, the “efficiency paradigm” in dispute resolution, and the associated recourse to methods of ADR. If I may add the third, it was the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • CVE is an emerging and useful tool for communication.. The point of CVE is to create simulations that correspond either to reality as it has been experienced or to the world of sensory experience as we know. We can transport the viewer to the surface of distant planets or other alternative realities with ease.
  • This Dissertation will discuss :-
  • The history of ODR and whether history will repeat itself with CVE.
  • Present role of Technology in Mediation.
  • the varieties of CVE available.
  • How CVE works in terms of technology and media content. Two main issues will be discussed: the technical components of a CVE system and the varieties of virtual experience that result from exposure to a CVE.
  • Technical Components.
  • Varieties of Experience.
  • Advantages and Limitations of the VR Medium.
  • Unique modes of interaction.
  • Additional considerations :This section will highlight additional considerations, including emerging challenges, opportunities, potential future directions for research, and the increasing omnipresence of virtual media.
  • The Resources available for using CVE Worldwide.
  • Possible framework of the Online Dispute Platform using CVE.

A computing concept known as the ‘mirrorworld’ can be traced back to NASA and the logic was simple: for every shuttle NASA sent into outer space, an exact duplicate was left on earth to troubleshoot a malfunctioning component. Eventually these mechanical twins evolved into computer simulations – or digital twins. Creating a digital twin soon morphed into replicating environments, entire cities and landscapes virtually. The mirrorworld is a virtual map that overlays reality. Accessible through any CVE experience, it will be an accurate, functional computer-generated replica of life as we know it.Academics and artists praise various components of CVE as an empathic medium which allows its users to walk a mile in another’s shoes and open the doors of perception. Several studies have shown CVE’s potential as an instrument of transformation of interpersonal relationships.CVE has the unique transformative power to induce behavioural change in participants. CVE has immense power to induce illusions that cause people to feel they are experiencing an alternate reality, that the events happening in the virtual world are real, and even that their bodies have been substituted by an avatar, known as an “embodiment illusion”. Because the cognitive and perceptual illusion is so strong, the brain treats the information as though it were real. Participants respond realistically and adapt their behaviour accordingly in the virtual world. Strikingly, this virtual experience has real world effects. What makes CVE exceptionally strong as a tool for behavioural change is that, unlike any other method the change in behaviour happens in spite of the fact that participants are aware of being in a simulation and CVE creates a parallel reality with which participants can interact safely without facing the potentially adverse or harmful consequences that interaction itself would have in the real world.Experimental programs combining technology with dispute resolution ensued and first the notion and then the field, of ODR developed. Same is the process likely to be followed with CVE. CVE is bound to become part of the Mediation Process.
Secondary Research : The data will be collected using library research, internet search and then with the application of the interpretation method the analysis of the data will be carried out, specifically, the secondary data including the references, consisting of books, journals, articles as well as conference papers and other documents having correlation with the issues.
Experimental programs combining technology with dispute resolution ensued and first the notion and then the field, of ODR developed. Same is the process likely to be followed with CVE. CVE is bound to become part of the Mediation Process.It is important to build on new and different forms of communication because the millennial generation communicates much differently from the baby boomers of the 1950s and 1960s, and the Gen X generation of the 1980s. This Dissertation, therefore, seeks to explore a progressive method of communication that can be used to enhance dispute resolution.I believe, my experience and knowledge of technology combined with the my experience as a litigator with 23 years experience and the education and enlightenment gained through the MA in Mediation and Conflict Resolution course, will help me build a Platform for ODR using CVE and hence the subject of the dissertation.

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