Assignment Task:
Task overview
Assessment name Written Assessment 2
Brief task description You are to respond to a clinical scenario by applying the key concepts of evidence-based nursing practice.
Rationale for assessment task Contemporary nursing practice requires the use of evidence to improve health outcomes for patients, families, and populations. It is important for nursing students to understand the relationship between the generation of evidence and the delivery of safe and effective nursing care.
Due Date May 20, 2021 by 2355 AEST
Length 1500 words +/-10% (Introduction & conclusion required. Word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)
Marks out of:
Weighting: Marks out of: 40
Weighting: 40%
Course Objectives measured Define evidence-based practice and identify key stages, principles, and processes of an evidence-based practice approach in nursingDefine the research process and identify common research methods within qualitative and quantitative paradigmsDescribe the relationship between research and identify evidence-based nursing praxisEvaluate data and research findingsDetermine ways to improve nursing practice and patient outcomes by using an evidence-based practice approach to planning, implementing and evaluating nursing careExamine the issues and ethical considerations which impact on nursing and health care research
Exemplar No. Information of a general nature will be posted to Study Desk to facilitate an informed response.
Task information
Task detail You are to continue using the Scenario you chose in NUR2300 Written Assessment 1 for S1, 2021 (Please refer to Assignment 1 task sheet):
You are to APPLY evidence that is categorized by the National Health and Medical Research Council as
Level I (systematic reviews/meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials) or
Level II (randomized controlled trials) to answer your research question. This means, you are to include:
A table of included studies with the following information summarized from each study (Author, Year, Study Design, Population, Intervention Type, Comparison/Control, Outcome)
APPLY the findings from Level I-II evidence to your scenario, clearly answering your chosen research question.
Writing Style This assessment piece will be written in the form of a structured response using headings with an introduction and conclusion. Every statement of fact must be supported by a valid reference.
Referencing/ citations For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.
Sources: You are expected to justify every statement of fact with a valid/peer-reviewed reference.
In text citations: You must include in-text citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.
Formatting Style Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 spaced. Headings are permitted. No graphics, coloured texts or title pages.
Resources available to complete task Refer to the NUR2300 StudyDeskSubmission information
What you need to submit One file in the following format (.doc, .docx, .rtf) that contains the following items:
- COMPREHENSION OF TASK Comprehensively addresses all aspects of the assessment task. Thorough comprehension of relevance of content clearly evident. Extensively addresses all aspects of the assessment task and effectively comprehends relevance of content. Broadly addresses all aspects of the assessment task. Generally demonstrates comprehension of how content is relevant. Content basically addresses all aspects of the assessment task. Demonstrates limited comprehension of how content is relevant. Content does not address all aspects of the assessment task. Inadequate comprehension of required content. /10
- SYNTHESIS OF EVIDENCE A comprehensively synthesised range of relevant, contemporary material drawn from various sources that strongly supports the response. No errors in the citation of reference material. A wide range of relevant contemporary evidence is synthesised to effectively support the response. Minimal errors in the citation of reference material. Mostly relevant contemporary evidence is synthesised to adequately support the response. Few errors in the citation of reference material. Some relevant contemporary evidence synthesised to basically support the response. Several errors in the citation of reference material. Poor or absent synthesis of evidence. Numerous errors in the citation of reference material. /10
- CRITICAL THINKING Clear, coherent and convincing critical thought that follows a strong, distinctive analytical path from a starting to a concluding point. Comprehensively inclusive of concepts and evidence. Clear, coherent critical thought that is well developed and logically builds each point on the last. Effectively inclusive of both concepts and evidence. Clear, critical and logically developed thought presented. Generally inclusive of concepts and evidence.
- Some critical thought evident. Generally demonstrates logical flow although some reliance on descriptive discussion. Response is poorly developed or absent. No or minimal evidence of critical thought. Paper is largely descriptive. /10
- Well-constructed response with an effective introduction and conclusion that contributes to the overall structure of the paper. Strong construction of paragraphs and points with each succinctly discussing a distinct issue. No critical typographical, spelling or grammatical errors.
- Adheres to prescribed length. Well-constructed, effective introduction and conclusion.
- Effective construction of paragraphs with each discussing a distinct point.
- Minimal critical typographical, spelling or grammatical errors.
- Adheres to prescribed length. Introductory and concluding paragraphs used to set context. Construction of paragraphs that aids the flow of the paper. Few critical typographical, spelling or grammatical errors.
- Adheres to prescribed length. Introductory and concluding paragraphs adequate. Basic paragraph construction. Several critical typographical, spelling or grammatical errors. Adheres to prescribed length. Inadequate introduction and conclusion. Poor paragraph construction.
- Many critical typographical, spelling or grammatical errors.
- Deviates significantly from prescribed length. /10
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