
NUR131-Registered Nurse Standards for Practice – Medical Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Utilising case studies to understand the Australian Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and the importance of Ethics in decision making

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The NUR 131 Learning Outcomes addressed by this assignment include how to:

1. Explain the role and responsibilities of the registered nurse as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team to attain culturally safe and quality health outcomes.

2. Discuss and reflect on the Registered Nurse standards and scope of practice in relation to other nursing and healthcare roles.

3. Discuss legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse in diverse healthcare settings including mental health, aged care, remote health and medication management.

4. Identify and respond to legal and ethical issues in professional nursing practice in alignment with NSQHS standards.

Question 1:

1. Identify the actions of the nurses which may breach the Registered Nurses Standard of Practice, and why.

2. Analyse the professional and cultural factors which may contribute to a nurse’s willingness to breach the RN code of conduct. 

Question 2:

1. Identify and discuss which NHQHS standards the nurse’s alleged conduct has breached. Refer to 2 specific standards in support of your point.

2. “Ms Hartmann Benz was granted bail on the strict conditions that she was not to practice as a registered nurse or administer any more COVID vaccinations or contact any patients or employees where she administered vaccines.”

Question 3:

1. Outline the ethical arguments that can be presented for and against restraint in this situation. Word count recommendation.

2. Discuss how the inappropriate use of restraints in all forms within the health care sector, can undermine the concepts of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Word count recommendation.

3. Reflect on the concepts outlined in module four, specifically consent, advocacy and truth telling. How could this situation have been handled in a more ethical and professional manner?

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