
NSG2FNH-First Nations Health & Cultural Safety – Medical Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Subject Intended Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to:

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  • Describe the key features of Australian First Nations culture and history and apply an understanding of diversity within the First Nations population to person-centered care.
  • Describe First Nations concepts of health and healing, and analyse how interconnected physical, social, historical, political, and cultural factors impact on health outcomes.
  • Describe the meaning of ‘cultural safety’ in relation to improving health outcomes for First Nations people and critically analyse how it influences effective nursing and midwifery practices, and health service delivery.
  • Engage in culturally appropriate communication that facilitates respectful therapeutic relationships, and supports effective partnerships with First Nations health professionals, organisations, and communities.
  • Outline the concepts of health inequality, the factors that contribute to it, and ways of redressing it to close the gap in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Assessment One: Personal Reflection

Cultural safety is an ongoing journey. Nurses and midwives have a professional responsibility to provide a culturally safe environment to all people they are caring for and work with. This journey requires the individual nurse or midwife to engage in critical and honest self-reflection, and to develop an awareness of how their own way of knowing and doing has been influenced by intersecting dimensions of their cultural identity and broader societal factors. Becoming a culturally safe nurse or midwife also requires you to be prepared to challenge pre-conceived ideas or long-held assumptions through critical analysis of what has informed those ideas and assumptions. Often this involves undertaking transformative learning i.e., learning which involves self-reflection that questions you own worldview and requires you to examine and validate new ways of seeing the world and new ways of health care practice. In this assignment you are required to demonstrate that you have engaged with the subject learning materials, reflected on what you have learnt and considered how this has transformed your thinking in ways that improve your nursing and midwifery practice when working with First Nations Peoples.

You are required to submit a  personal reflective piece that demonstrates your ability to engage in critical and honest self-reflection.
This written assessment task will contribute to 20% of your overall mark for the subject. An exemplar for this task will not be provided as your learning experiences along with your thought patterns (way of thinking) are unique and will be influenced by your own cultural identity. There are many different reflective models you may or may not like to use to structure your response. However, marks are not allocated for the use of a reflective model, rather the focus of this task is on transformative learning through self-reflexivity and turning your gaze inwards to develop self-awareness.

Your response should be written in first person. As a personal reflective piece, you are not required to reference your own thoughts. However, if you include First Nations voices and knowledges in your discussion you need to appropriately acknowledge and reference the sources with both in-text references and an end-text reference list using APA version 7. This is a professional piece of writing, and your response needs to be respectful of those who have shared their knowledges with you and developed the online learning content. Your language and writing should demonstrate an understanding of the principles of cultural safety. All students are expected to reflect on how their writing and language could be interpreted prior to submitting their final document to Turnitin.  Before you commence writing your assignment, review e-Book 4 page 1 as you will be expected to use correct and appropriate terminology when referring to First Nations Peoples. Marks will be deducted if incorrect/inappropriate terminology or culturally disrespectful language is used.

Choose an online activity or interrelated online activities that has introduced you to a new concept/learning or challenged your own pre-conceived ideas, assumptions, or biases.

A specific learning activity to reflect upon has deliberately not been prescribed to all students, as cultural safety is an individual journey. You can choose from any of the activities included in the e-Books, including videos, readings (journal articles, news reports or opinion pieces), keynote presentations or case studies/clinical scenarios. Your reflection must not focus on a clinical encounter. The focus needs to be on your experience of 
learning in this subject.
Your reflection should:
Clearly identify the activity/activities you have chosen and describe what you have learnt from the activity/activities.
Detail how your ideas, assumptions or biases have been challenged and transformed in a positive way.
Finally explain how your learning has built your cultural safety skills and enhanced your professional practice.

Assessment Two: Cultural Safety
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are warned that this activity contains the names and images of Aboriginal people who have died and distressing details of the circumstances of the deaths. ‘At the outset, I acknowledge the enormous pain Naomi’s family and friends feel and I thank them for their courageous attendance and dedicated participation in these difficult proceedings. It is clear to this court that their motivation has been twofold. They have been dedicated to trying to find out exactly why Naomi died, but they have also been looking for ways to improve health outcomes for other Indigenous patients in their local community. In this way, they are honouring Naomi’s life and acknowledging her status as an emerging leader of her community’.

All individuals have a right to culturally safe and responsive healthcare. Naomi Williams was a proud and strong Wiradjuri woman who, along with her partner Michael, was looking forward to the birth of their son with immense happiness. Before Naomi’s and her baby son’s preventable deaths, Naomi was a much loved, active member of her local Community, a disability support worker, social justice advocate, and emerging leader.
In this assignment you are required to demonstrate that you have engaged with and learnt from the NSW State Coroners report from the Inquest into the death of Naomi Williams and considered how the lessons learnt from this case can be applied more broadly to improve the healthcare experiences and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Before examining the circumstance of Naomi and her baby son’s death, as detailed in the coroner’s report, it is important to get an understanding of Naomi’s life and who she was as a person. Please watch the following video to hear Naomi’s story and the voices of the local Community.

Racism is a powerful social determinant of health. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are offered fewer procedures for treating illness and promoting health than non-Indigenous Australians. Professor Yin Paradies provided evidence at Naomi’s inquest that ‘there is a correlation between less treatment and Aboriginality at an epidemiological level’ with evidence showing that ‘Aboriginal patients in hospitals across the country compared to non-Indigenous patients, received 30?wer procedures’ (State Coroners Court of New South Wales, 2019, p. 46).
Discuss how systemic racism may have contributed to the outcomes in this case and in the healthcare experiences and outcomes of First Nations people more broadly?


  • Your response should demonstrate a clear understanding of what systemic racism is and the potential impact it had in Naomi’s case and more generally on the health of First Nations Peoples.
  • Use examples from the coroner’s report to support your ideas and seek out resources related to systemic racism more broadly to use as references for your discussion. 

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