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Get Help Now!The Bachelor of Nursing (BN), Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses) (BNENDN), Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Business Administration (BNBADM) and Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine (BNBP) courses are professional program that requires development of particular attributes for accreditation purposes. These are also included in the learning outcomes. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:
LO1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of developmental, lifespan, social, spiritual and cultural factors that impact on the quality of life of people experiencing chronic illness and/or disability and their families; (GA1, GA4, GA5)
LO2. Critically apply the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing across the lifespan, to the principles of caring for people experiencing chronic illness and/or disability and their families; (GA1, GA4, GA5, GA9)
LO3. Use advanced pathophysiological knowledge to implement the Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle across a range of settings, to plan safe, evidence-based, culturally sensitive, person-centred care; (GA3, GA4, GA5, GA8, GA9)
LO4. Critically apply quality use of medicines, non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions, complementary therapies, goal setting and eHealth strategies in the chronic illness and disability context; (GA1, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA7, GA8)
LO5. Apply legal and ethical principles related to the chronic illness and disability context; (GA3)
LO6. Reflect on the lived experiences of the person with chronic illness and/or disability, their family and community. (GA1, GA2)
Each unit in your course contributes in some way to the development of the ACU Graduate Attributes which you should demonstrate by the time you complete your course. All Australian universities have their expected graduate attributes – ACU’s Graduate Attributes have a greater emphasis on ethical behaviour and community responsibility than those of many other universities. All of your units will enable you to develop some attributes.
On successful completion of this unit, students should have developed their ability to:
GA1. Demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity
GA2. Recognise their responsibility to the common good, the environment and society
GA3. Apply ethical perspectives in informed decision making
GA4. Think critically and reflectively
GA5. Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession.
GA7. Work both autonomously and collaboratively
GA8. Locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information
GA9. Demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual media
Topics will include:
• Principles of chronic illness and disability
a. Global overview of chronic illness and disability
b. Chronic illness and disability in an Australian context
c. Differentiation of key terms: Chronic illness, Chronic disease, long term conditions, disability and co-morbidity
d. Trajectory of illness: Range of settings and continuum of care
e. Impact of chronic illness and/or disability for person, family and community
- Physical
- Psychosocial
- Cultural
- Spiritual
- Lifespan
• Therapeutic use of professional relationships
a. Nurses role in restorative practice
- Collaboration
- Partnerships
- Relationships
a.Building capacity and resilience in the person, their family and carer
c.Professional communication
d.Therapeutic use of self and communication strategies
- Active listening skills
- Motivational Interviewing
- Teaching skills
• Principles for Practice
a. Pathophysiology of selected chronic illnesses and disability (those identified as National Health Care Priorities or relating to National Health Care Priorities)
b. Patient-centred care and goal setting
c. Role of the nurse including assessment, planning and evaluation of care
Coordination of care
a. Role of the interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary teams and multi-sectorial partnerships
b. Models of care for management of chronic illness and/or disability
- Chronic condition self-management
- Legal and ethical issues
a. Chronic pain management
b. Common therapeutic approaches
- Pharmacological
- Non-pharmacological
- Complimentary therapies and alternative medicines
- Issues of Sexuality
• Optimising function
a. Self-management
b. Promoting independence
c. Restorative practices
d. Educational resources for health promotion and prevention
e. eHealth mediation and management of chronic disease
f. Telehealth and the management of chronic conditions in rural communities
g. Rehabilitation and habilitation
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