
Mr. Bedford Case Study – Medical Science Assignment Help

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Mr. Bedford Case Senario

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Mr. Bedford, a 28-year-old gentleman presents to ED at 0300 hrs with worsening shortness of breath since midnight. Complains of right sided- pleuritic chest pain and persistent productive cough.Talking in words, audible wheeze, appears dyspneic, tripoding.

Appears unwell
Past Medical History:Asthma since 8 years of age 

Medications: budesonide at 320 pg + formoterol at 9 pg b.i.d. combination and T. Prednisolone 30 mg/day for the last 5 months


Airway – Patient 
Breathing – Spontaneous, RR-38/mt, SPO2-77% RA, decreased lung sounds left lower lobe, bilateral diffuse high-pitched wheeze
Circulation – Appears flushed in face and neck, BP-136/92 mmHg, HR- 122/mt, dry mucous membranes, S I S2 normal,
Disability – GCS- 14 E4V4M6, not oriented to time, place or person, PEARL- 3mm
Exposure – Needed support to walk from waiting room to bed space. Unable to lie supine, tripoding.
Temperature 38.9 deg Celsius.Abdomen soft, no organomegaly, peripheries cold, centrally warm. Nil edema.
Fluids – Unable to tolerate oral fluids, NBM for now
Glucose – BGL-6.0 mmol/L

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