
MMM267-Supply Chain Management Research Report – Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task


In the aftermath of the pandemic, supply chains across the world have been left crippled and such effects have also been felt in Australia. With staff being furloughed or having to isolate, businesses have had to run at much less than full capacity and in many cases have had to suspend their operations outright. Transportation links have been hugely impacted too with freight deliveries being delayed or curtailed due to testing, isolation and vaccination requirements affecting the workforce. Some businesses with proper contingency planning in place have been able to absorb the impact better than their competition, thereby gaining an advantageous position in the market. Others have tried to learn their lessons the hard way and the ones to have survived and come out the other side will therefore be expected to be smarter and better prepared for the next disruption. For this assignment, you are to select any ASX-listed business organization and write an in-depth research report on their operations and supply chain practices with particular emphasis on how well they have (or haven’t) faced the challenges of the pandemic and what they have possibly learnt that could enable them to be better prepared to face a massively disruptive event in future.

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Note: Students are advised not to select a service organization (e.g. banks) for the purpose of this assignment unless they have actual work experience in a service organization because it may be particularly difficult to access relevant information concerning their operations and supply chain relative to manufacturing or retail businesses. If you are insistent on choosing a service organization then please first consult a unit teaching team member before proceeding with the assignment.
Research your chosen business organization’s operations and supply chain practices in depth and write a 3000-word research report based on your findings. For the business organization that you choose, first make sure that there is adequate information available about the organization in the public domain (company website, reliable third-party websites with relevant contents, etc). It is recommended that you select a large, well-known company rather than a small, obscure business.

Typically, students have found retail businesses and mining/manufacturing companies to be ideal for this assignment from the point of view of accessing adequate data and information. Please bear in mind that you will need detailed operational/logistics information about your chosen business to write a comprehensive report as digital information retrieval is a key aspect of this assessment. Your report should identify relevant sustainability aspects of the organization’s current operations and supply chain. In your write-up, you are expected to articulate accurate understanding and suitable incorporation of at least one relevant operations/supply chain management (SCM) theory or concept from the weekly lectures and prescribed topic readings up to Week 7 of the trimester. 

Specific requirements
Your submitted research report should specifically address/focus on the following four key aspects:

1. Provide a brief descriptive profile of your chosen business organization (e.g., nature of the business, level of competition it faces, target customers, recent financial performance etc.)

2. Identify some of the major suppliers/sources of supply for your chosen business organization and provide a descriptive analysis of the company’s current operational and supply chain practices. ‘Current’ here can mean either before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic or at present i.e., during the Covid-19 pandemic. In writing your descriptive analysis, it is very important that you clearly articulate your understanding of at least one aspect of OM/SCM theory as covered in the weekly classes up to Week 7 of the trimester. (Please do not try to incorporate everything covered in the classes up to Week 7 – you can pick and choose one or two relevant aspects of theory that best fits your research context).

3. To what extent do you think are the business organization’s operations management and supply chain practices sustainable? What evidence can you find through your online research about the business organization’s ongoing relationship with its key suppliers? Provide recommendations to maintain/improve the sustainability of the organization’s operations and supply chain practices (you can assume either a pre- or post-Covid scenario).

4. Sudden, unforeseen events with global ramifications can impact a business organization’s ability to source key raw materials and/or deliver finished products to target markets. This can be no truer than what we are seeing in the current world situation where the Covid-19 pandemic has severely impacted global supply chains. In your opinion, how resilient are the operations and supply chain practices of your chosen business organization to future disruptive events? What further recommendations can you give to improve their resilience?

Learning outcomes
This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes that is, the skills and knowledge graduates are expected to have upon completion of their studies – and this assessment task is an important tool in determining achievement of those outcomes. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the unit learning outcomes, you will not be successful in this unit.
It is good practice to familiarise yourself with the ULOs and GLOs as they provide guidance on the knowledge, understanding and skills you’re expected to demonstrate upon completion of the unitIn this way they can be used to guide your study.

Unit Learning Outcome
ULO 1: Articulate an understanding of the set up and management of an efficient and sustainable supply chain.
ULO 2: Identify, evaluate and apply different approaches to supply chain management including the design and delivery of operations within a variety of different organisations using appropriate technology & tools.
ULO 3: Explain and critically evaluate the role of supply chain management and its cross-relations with other organisational functions with a view to ensuring ethical & sustainable SCM practices.

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