
MKG203 – Digital Marketing Communications – DMC Plan – Communication Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Learning Outcomes

a) Define digital marketing communications (DMC) and its role in marketing strategy.
b) Demonstrate an understanding of the DMC environment and apply it to marketing planning.
c) Identify the DMC mix and its application in marketing management and planning.
d) Describe the    role of    data    and personalisation when developing DMC

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In    this    assessment    you    will    develop    a    ‘real    life’    digital    marketing    communications    (DMC)    plan    for    an organisation.    Imagine    you    are    a   DMC consultant for this organisation.    You    will    choose    an organisation and develop a plan for it, engaging concepts and strategies explored in the subject. The idea    here    is    to    critically    analyse    the    current    DMC    approach    of    the    organisation    in    relation    to    the marketing    environment    it   operates   in,    and    identify    DMC    strategies    you    think    would    improve    its performance,    supporting    this    with    DMC    concepts    from    the    course    and   current    literature    in    the    field (e.g.,    could    be    anything    from    journal    articles,    blogs,    online    guides,    YouTube    videos,    research    reports etc.,). The key    here is to provide justification to strategy development.

Your task for this assessment is to prepare a report providing:
1. Title page, table of contents, executive summary
2. A report introduction
3. A brief company introduction; competitive analysis and SWOT analysis
4. A brief summary of the company’s target marketing, positioning and branding from a digital perspective. You should  provide any recommendations for these strategies
5. DMC Objectives – these should be clear and specific of what you want to achieve from the strategies. Include number targets for specific channels where relevant.

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