
MGMT3012-Case Study Instruction Report Writing – Management Assignment Help


Case Study Instructions:

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1. The Case Study will be available under the Assessments link (on Blackboard) from 14:00 on Wednesday 08 June 2022 to 14:00 (AWST) on Friday 10 June 2022. This Assessment can be completed within 2-4 hours; however ALL students are given a full 48 hour window to allow flexibility with other exams, internet connection issues etc.

2. Download the case and answer all the questions in a blank MS Word file (offline) during the available time.

3. All questions are compulsory and MUST be addressed.

4. The expected answer to EACH question, regardless of its value (mark), is between 1-2 pages, which is approximately 400-700 words. You will not be penalised for going over or under the above word count as long as your response to the questions are relevant, comprehensive, coherent, and addresses ALL parts of the question. There is no need to follow an essay or a report format. As such, there is no need for a cover/contents page, executive summary, introduction, and conclusion. However, you must use full sentences and avoid using bullet points.

5. Submit the FINAL version of your answers via the relevant Turnitin link in Blackboard. Please note that ONLY ONE submission is allowed for this assessment. NO DRAFT submission is allowed. When you submit your assignment to Turnitin you should receive a digital receipt and an email confirming this. The digital receipt contains, among other details, the word count and page count of the paper, the date you submitted it, and the file name. Please double check these details are correct (e.g. the correct file has been uploaded and it has uploaded fully). If you do not receive the digital receipt and email from Turnitin then your paper has not been submitted and you will need to try again.

6. If there have issues when you submit, you should email us immediately with a copy of your paper. We highly encourage you to submit your answers at least a few hours before the due date to be able to manage such potential issues.

7. Please ensure to rename the file you upload with your surname, given name, student ID, day and time of your tutorial, and campus location: e.g. Smith_John_10032324_Monday_2pm_Bentley.

8. Due to the quick turnaround time for finalising marks for this assessment, NO LATE SUBMISSION is accepted.

9. Referencing: There is no minimum required references for this assessment, meaning that you will not lose marks for not having any references. However, this does not mean you can freely copy and paste information from any other published sources without adequate referencing. If you wish to use any information (either direct quotes or paraphrase) from any published sources such as your lecture slides, the unit text books, any journal articles, websites, reports, etc., you MUST ensure that you properly reference it both in-text as well as in your reference list at the end of your submission to avoid plagiarism. Collusion and academic integrity principles apply to this assessment.

10. Your Unit Coordinator will be available on Collaborate Ultra for 10 minutes on the Assessment release day on Wednesday 08 June 2022 at 5:00 PM (AWST) to answer any further questions regarding this final assessment. Please follow the below steps to join this short session or watch its recording after the session.

This MGMT3012-Management Assignment has been solved by our Management Expert at TV Assignment Help. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing Style. Be it a used or new solution, the quality of the work submitted by our assignment experts remains unhampered. You may continue to expect the same or even better quality with the used and new assignment solution files respectively. There’s one thing to be noticed that you could choose one between the two and acquire an HD either way. You could choose a new assignment solution file to get yourself an exclusive, plagiarism (with free Turn tin file), expert quality assignment or order an old solution file that was considered worthy of the highest distinction.

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