
ME7721-Computer Integrated Product Development Report Writing – Engineering Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Module Learning Outcomes:

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The following module learning outcomes and professional body learning outcomes are tested in this assessment: 

(1) Understand and apply appropriate mechanism design techniques to validate product functionality.

Assessment task:

The assignment comprises of four parts:

Part I: Development of a simplified 3D CAD model of the mechanism. 
Part II : Motion analysis (numerical solution), using the commercial software Siemens NX, of the 3D model developed in Part I.
Part III: Derivation of the analytical equations (analytical solution) which describe the motion of the examined mechanism. 
Part IV: For various cases, obtain numerical and analytical solutions, compare them and conclude with respect to the accuracy of the results.


The aims of the present assignment are: 

  • To become familiar with the use of industry-standard Siemens NX software as a tool for the motion analysis of mechanisms.
  • To obtain fluency in validating numerical results from Siemens NX, through a comparison with results derived using analytical equations for the motion analysis of a mechanism (equations for position, velocity and acceleration).


The objectives are the following:

(a) To understand basic terms regarding the motion analysis of a mechanism.
(b) To develop and analyse a typical crank-slider mechanism using Siemens NX.
(c) To derive analytical equations describing the motion analysis of a typical crank-slider mechanism.
(d) To plot results from numerical simulation and analytical calculations and compare them.

 Discussion and Conclusions:

1). Describe the outcome of the comparison between the analytical and the numerical consideration and discuss any discrepancies.

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