Task: Individual Report
Write a concise report relevant to Headlands Distilling Company (HDC) that recommends and justifies either:
(a) a MARKETING METRICS SYSTEM to help monitor/evaluate a marketing or customer related activity.
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(b) a MARKETING ACCOUNTS TEMPLATE (Bendle & Wang, 2017) to keep track of how HDC is performing over time.
Throughout the remainder of the project brief, when there are differences in the requirements between the Marketing Metrics System (a) and the Marketing Accounts Template (b) which is being referred to will be indicated by an (a) or (b) in the text.
Report Sections
Where there are differences between the requirements for the Marketing Metrics System (a) and the Marketing Accounts Template (b) in the requirements these will be specified in the below. There are four sections to the report: (1) Executive summary; (2) Analysis of the decision environment; (3) Selection and justification of each of the metrics selected, including detailing how each metric would be constructed; (4) Justify the metrics system and how it would contribute to decision making. In addition, marks will be allocated to ‘report quality’.
The word counts for each section are only indications of how you might ‘allocate’ your 2,000 words;no marks will be deducted if, for example, you use 250 words for the Executive Summary and/or 600 words for your Metrics System Evaluation. However, there is an absolute limit of 2,000 words
(excluding title page and reference list). As you are required to evidence statements and provide justification for your claims, you are expected to use external sources (e.g., academic journal articles, industry reports). There is no set minimum number of sources required.
1: Executive Summary:
This provides an overview of what is in the main body of the report. Remember that the ExecutiveSummary might be the only element of the report that is read, so it needs to be written such that it can ‘stand-alone’. The main purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide all the key takeaways from the report.
This section will provide the reader with the key takeaways from each of the report’s three remaining sections and any caveats (limitations) related to the overall report. As a minimum, the Executive Summary must include the objective(s) of the metric system presented in the report and whether the report covers the development of a Marketing Metrics System for a specific marketing activity (a) or a Marketing Accounts Template for longer term consideration of marketing performance (b).
2: Analysis of the Decision Environment:
This section analyses the decision environment and will draw mainly from Modules 1 and 5. Its purpose is to demonstrate that you clearly understand the organisation that you are designing a metrics system for. The analysis of the decision environment may well include external references to help identify organisational conditions (internal and external) relevant to the choice of marketing metrics, the marketing risks faced by the organisation, and the area of marketing responsibility/decision-making being managed/assessed by the metric users. This section could include, but might not be limited to, identification of organisational conditions, justification of operational level the metrics will be used at (e.g., board level, marketing director, brand manager), consideration of the skills/capabilities of employees, and the primary marketing objective that the metrics will help assess progress towards.
As a minimum, this section must include either an examination of the elements of the Marketing System that will monitored/evaluated (a), or a justification regarding the need for the Marketing Accounts Template being presented (b).
3: Metric Selection & Construction:
The four to seven metrics that you will use to either monitor/evaluate your chosen marketing system (a) or to keep track of your longer-term marketing performance (b). These metrics may be drawn from the ebooks in Modules 2-4, or from your own research. There must be a minimum of four, and a maximum of seven individual metrics considered. These metrics are the tools you are recommending to Headlands Distilling Company to monitor and/or evaluate either a specific marketing activity (a) or their overall marketing activities (b). Full marks can be achieved from any number of metrics from four to seven if you are able to justify both the individual metric choices in this section and the conditions for a ‘good’ metrics system in the next section.
For each of your chosen metrics you will first need to justify your choice of that metric. This is likely to include identifying the type of metric required to monitor/evaluate different elements of (the) marketing (activity) in the organisation, then include consideration of one or more decision environment factors to arrive at the specific metric you have chosen. This justification may reference metric construction factors if a choice is limited by these factors.
Second, for each of the metrics selected you will need to describe how the metric is constructed. Start with the data source and consider how Headlands Distilling Company will access and afford that data (consider, for example, employee expertise). You should also consider suitable timeframes and referents for the metric (Katsikeas et al., 2016). In addition, you may wish to consider how the metric might need to be de-aggregated to provide more specific detail to help with decision making.
4: Metric System Evaluation:
This section is the conclusion to your report. Here you need to show how the metrics you have selected make up a good metrics system (see Module 5), that is, justify the metrics system you have designed in relation to how well it helps HDC achieve the objectives stated for that metrics system. In addition, you will need to provide some detail regarding how the metrics system you have developed will help Headlands Distilling Company monitor/evaluate either the specific marketing system chosen (a) or their marketing activities more generally (b).
Report Quality:
Your report should be professionally produced. That is, the report should be: free from grammatical and spelling errors; references should be cited appropriately; and language should be clear and concise. The arguments used should be easy to follow and well supported by evidence. Any assumptions made, and the implications of those assumptions, should be clear.
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