
Major Mental Illnesses (Mmi) Bipolar Affective Disorder Nursing Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Assessment brief: Your group is required to select from the following
• Schizophrenia
Bipolar Affective Disorder
• Depression
Each of these disorders has sub-types within them as you will come to discover within the subject’s
content. You are free to choose a sub-type if your group wishes to be more specific, however this
needs to be clearly identified in your assignment introduction.
Your assignment will need to cover: an introduction and conclusion (this is included in the word
count), an overall discussion on the MMI covering signs and symptoms and diagnostic criteria,
current treatment available which needs to include psychopharmacological and nonpsychopharmacological treatment.
A nursing care plan needs to be designed (template provided). This must include how you would
effectively communicate with a person with this disorder.
You will need to use your marking rubric (below) for guidance on which Learning Outcomes are
included in this assignment so you know how you will be marked.
References must be within 10 years and must be of academic standard (text, peer-reviewed
journal articles).
Websites can be used but must be official sources. Blogs and unapproved sites
will be considered of low academic merit including HealthDirect etcHigh
Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Criterion 1
Learning Outcome 3 Outline the common categories of mental illness (of the specified illness) and explore the comorbidities and evidencebased treatments;
30% The MMI is explored in excellent detail providing information about the aetiology of the illness and statistical evidence about potential causes. Signs and symptoms are discussed well The MMI is explored to good detail, is thorough but needs further detail. Signs and symptoms and aetiology are discussed well but needs further detail The MMI is discussed well but needs more detail to demonstrate complete understanding of the disorder. Signs and symptoms, aetiology are covered but needs further clarification The MMI is discussed at basic level and requires ongoing understanding of the disorder The MMI is not discussed well and does not demonstrate thorough understanding of the disorder. Misunderstand ings of the disorder are frequent.
Criterion 2
Learning Outcome 4
Explain the concepts that underpin mental health, its associated care and its relationship to maintaining physical health;
20% Aspects of physical health is well described including monitoring of physical health in relation to the MMI. Includes how and/or why the MMI can cause or be associated with physical comorbidities Physical health and the MH disorder is discussed and connected together. Monitoring discussion is at very good standard Physical health is discussed in relation to the MH disorder including monitoring but needs much further detail Physical health and the MH disorder is discussed in relation to each other. Monitoring of physical health is basic and briefly discussed though not in detail No discussion or reflection about how the MH disorder impacts physical illness. Monitoring of physical health not covered
Outcome 5
Describe the elements of the therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing appropriate to diverse individuals (at least one diverse group identified eg: LGBTIQ, Indigenous Australian , including its relationship to positive outcomes for the person;
20% Therapeutic relationships in MH nursing is discussed at
Relationships discussed to good standard. Includes consideration of therapeutic relationship in diverse group but needs more detail. Discussion of benefits to person explored Therapeutic

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