Assignment Task
Students will have the opportunity work in groups of 4 students and as a team with 2 parties be able to apply legal principles to real life business law scenarios to arrive at conclusions as to how business issues can be resolved within a legal framework. They will be asked to provide two detailed written analysis (called factums) of the case study, one for each side, the plaintiff and the defendant. The two sides should include some elements in their factums, such as the legal issues or nature of the case, the facts of the case, and the law and argument.
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Groups will be created at the beginning of the course. Students will be encouraged to practice for their presentations before they prepare a video presentation.
This is a group assignment. Factums do not have a word limit, but have to follow a specific formatting, similar to the templates provided to you. Presentations should be prepared as a video and not be longer than 20 minutes.
Prepare the factums first, then practice several time before you put together the video presentation.
The following rubric will be used for grading:
1. PRESENCE: body language and eye contact, poise, spoken – not read.
2. LANGUAGE SKILLS (on both the factums and the presentation): appropriate vocabulary and grammar, spoken loud enough to hear easily.
3. ORGANIZATION of case material (factums and presentation): clear statement of theory of case which is logical and applicable to the case study. Include 3 references in each of your factums from the textbook (3 points come from references).
4. OVERALL IMPRESSION: engaging and good communication and positive group work
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