
Legal Institutions and Processes in Health Care – Law Assignment Help



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LO1: Demonstrate understanding of legal institutions and processes in health care.

Case study – LO1
Rebecca separated from her abusive husband and moved to a new address. She advised her GP practice of her new address and asked that it not be shared with anyone else. Her husband rang the GP practice 2 weeks later and told the receptionist that he needed to know when Rebecca had last seen the doctor because he was concerned she had contracted an STD from him. The receptionist looked up Rebecca’s medical records and confirmed to the husband the date of her last visit and confirmed that she had been tested for STDs during that visit.

Explain who Rebecca can complain to and the legal grounds for complaint under the Health Information Privacy Code 2020. Outline the complaint pathway under the Privacy Act 2020 and the possible legal outcomes for the GP practice. Be specific.

LO2: Analyse the role of civil and criminal law on health care policy and practice.

Case Study – LO2
During the call with the receptionist, Rebecca’s husband said it was vital he contact Rebecca. The receptionist disclosed Rebecca’s new address to him. When the GP heard about the disclosure, she told the receptionist she should not have given the address to the husband. The GP took no further action. As a result of the disclosure, Rebecca’s husband harassed Rebecca at her new address, forcing herto move to a new house.

Briefly identify the standard and burden of proof for civil and criminal law. Briefly explain why the criminal law standard is higher.

LO3: Critique cases or legislation related to consumers’ rights based on scholarly research.
Wilkinson and Marshall contend that a restorative approach to complaints about breaches of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights would lead to better outcomes for providers and consumers. 
Wilkinson, J., Marshall, C. (2021) Health practitioner experience of Health and Disability Commissioner investigations. Journal of Primary Health Care 13(3) 213-221. 

Select either HDC case note: Using the case note, explain why and how a restorative approach would have assisted in this case. 

LO4: Examine the implications of case law and legislation for your current or future health care practice.
State what your occupation is (standard pathway students choose a relevant health or disability occupation). State whether that is a registered or unregistered occupation. Within your profession, you observe what you believe is discriminatory conduct in a colleague’s provision of services. Explain why you believe the conduct is discriminatory, citing the specific Human Rights Act 1993 s21 prohibited ground (do not use ‘age’ s21(1)(i)).
Explain the pathway and potential outcomes if a discrimination complaint is made by the service user. Be specific.

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