
Leadership Journey Reflection Writing – Management Assignment Help

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Authentic Leadership Workbook Guidelines

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Leadership Journey
This workbook is a companion to the Authentic Leadership I: Leadership Journey course. It provides a structure for students to apply course concepts and takeaways to their personal experience. There will be a series of questions associated with individual class sessions by the conclusion of the course. Following the end of this course there is additional further work to be completed before you turn the workbook in as a final assignment.
The workbook will be graded at the conclusion of the course, based on clarity, depth of insight, and application of ideas from the course to elevate the analysis. The workbook should go beyond a description of experiences. Rather, it should be: 1) an analysis of what being a leader means to you; 2) a clear plan for effective practice in developing leadership skills in the future. There should be specific reference to ideas discussed in the course.

Note that the focus of the workbook is Authentic Leadership, and it mostly is structured around the content of the course applied to your lived experience and existing leadership challenges and opportunities. The focus is on helping you to reflect on course content, develop greater self-awareness and to develop a plan based on building habits and practices to strength your expression of leadership. Use this workbook to:

  • Reflect honestly about what you know of yourself and your strengths and weaknesses
  • Capture feedback that you will seek individuals drawn from different contexts
  • Develop a path forward to grow as a leader

There is no specific requirement for the length in entries, although it is suggested that it may be difficult to answer an individual question in sufficient depth in less than 300 words. It is recommended that you complete the workbook on an ongoing basis during the course.

1. Day 1 Reflections
Today we had a chance to reflect on the Coach McKeever case and to complete an Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment. Use the space below to consider these points.
a) What aspects of Coach McKeever’s leadership vision and practice are relevant to you in your job, and what aspects are less relevant?
b) What insights, themes or messages do you take from your self-assessment?

2. Day 2 Reflections
Today we examine a set of skills relating to self-awareness. We discussed “skillful dialogue” (high inquiry and high advocacy) through Lost at Sea Exercise and the process of giving and receiving feedback. Use the space below to consider these points.
a) Reflect on the process of giving and receiving feedback. We pushed you to be uncomfortable in a way giving each other feedback. What was that like and where can you bring a greater and more effective level of feedback as a leader in your work?

3. Day 3 Reflections
Today we focused on the Michael Boulos Case and the 5 most common ways leaders lose their way and derail themselves. Use the space below to consider these points from that content.
a) Which one of the five areas is most likely to be a point of failure or derailer in your trajectory as a leader and why?

4. Getting a 360 Degree Perspective
Conduct interviews and ask for feedback based on the 4 Essential Skills of an authentic leader:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Relational Transparency (Open and honest communication)
  • Balanced Processing (Objective, collaborative decision making)
  • Internalized Moral Perspective

Chose 2-3 people from the following different areas to interview:

  • Family and Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Clients
  • Your Manager

You may use the same instrument as was used for the self-assessment to start the process, or you can simply have a conversation asking for feedback in the 4 skill areas.

Capture your insights, considering the following:

  • What Was Common Across The Interviewees?
  • What Surprises Did You Find?
  • What Was Consistent With What You Have Heard In The Past?
  • What Insights Do You Take From The Feedback?

5. Post-Class Reflection – Developing Your Leadership Vision
Start to define a vision for yourself of being successful as an authentic leader. Your discussion board post “Why should anyone be led by you?” your authentic leadership self-assessment, and feedback you have gathered in the course and through the interviews should be resources for this reflection. Build on these thoughts and address:
a) What are your basic assumptions about leading and following?
b) What aspirations and goals do you have for your leadership?
c) What practices can you engage in to be a more authentic leader?

6. Your 6 Month Plan for Action
For each of the 4 skills what 1-2 concrete actions can you take to develop your skills over a 6 month period as an Authentic Leader? Remember that these are actions to develop your skills and not the skills themselves. Actions should be specific and realistic.

  • Self-Awareness
  • Relational Transparency
  • Balanced Processing
  • Internalized Moral Perspective

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