Assignment Task
IT Change Management Project
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The aim of this assignment is to:
- Apply the knowledge areas of project management to a specified IT change management project.
- Use appropriate software to develop a project plan which incorporates a Gantt chart, scheduled activities and assigned resources, including people, equipment and their relevant costs.
- Work effectively in a diverse team to optimise a specified IT change management project for cost, time and resource workload.
- Report on an IT change management project to a client and/or relevant stakeholders using and justifying an appropriate format and obtain feedback from the client and/or relevant stakeholders.
- Critically reflect on their team’s performance based on given criteria including attitude and work-related performance evaluation appropriate for the IT industry.
Portfolio Scenario
Tamaki Polytechnic is concerned about giving existing students a better customer experience and in enlarging its total number of enrolments over the next few years. The tertiary provider facilitates a variety of vocational programmes over three campuses in one of the country’s biggest cities. Senior management has undertaken a fact-finding tour of tertiary educators and now would like to centralise the enrolment process for all students. At present all departments enroll their own students. This, it believes, would have many advantages but at the same time the institute realises that it will require new ways of working for the staff involved. The project would also have a big impact on the way Tamaki will interact with its students.
Tamaki Polytechnic has contacted your firm of IT consultants to put forward an RFP for an initial Change Management project plan that would help ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the reasons for a revised electronic student management system and new, specialised, enrolment work teams. Your consultancy firm’s principal, Marama Henare, would like an initial report from your team outlining the likely stages of a Change Management project using Kotter’s 8 stage change model as applied to a polytechnic such as Tamaki. (Your team should reference any existing case studies or course resources about change management in a relevant industry sector or in related organisations as a guide for this original report). The report will be based on a software-generated project plan that incorporates a Gantt chart (MS Project) and schedules all relevant activities and assigned resources as well as projected costs and timeframe.
Requirements (team)
As a team you must complete the following tasks:
1. Team Organisation
- Your lecturer will create a MS Teams channel called (Yourname, Yourname, Yourname) for all assessment resources (make this accessible to your lecturer). All records of team decisions and communications (including social media conversations and internet links/references) need to be visible to your lecturer in MS Teams
- Delegate tasks for this assessment to all group members and document these as in c. below
- Record and save your sets of minutes in MS Teams (use the template provided). These will record all decisions made by the team as it completes its portfolio. Refer to the instructions about minutes below.
- Upload the completed software-based Gantt chart (based on the scenario above) to your team area by the due date
- Upload your fully formatted report (minimum 1800 words) in your group area by the due date.
- Make any adjustments to your uploaded files to reflect changes requested by your principal.
Minutes Of Team Meetings:
Use the Minutes of Meetings Template to record minutes for every team meeting.
• The team must meet at least four times by the due date of the portfolio assessment
• There must be a different chairperson and minute taker each time
• Insert suitable headings for each agenda item and make brief notes only
• Each team member should have a clear task to perform after each meeting. Action items must be recorded and followed up
• Submit all minutes to your MS Team
Requirements (individual)
Your team will assess your engagement in the project and award you a mark out of 10, based on:
• Your attendance
• Your contributions as recorded in the team minutes and by posts in the group area in Canvas
• Your timely completion of tasks delegated to you by the team
• Reflect on your team’s performance. A document will be provided later to each team member
Your lecturer will assess your engagement in the project and award you a mark out of 10, based on:
• Your attendance
• Your contributions as recorded in the team minutes and by posts in the team wiki/blog
• Your observed participation in team activities
• Your reflection comments
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