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Topic: Has the COVID-19 pandemic really caused a strain in InternationalRelations and what theory is best in telling us?
Is the nature of International politics and affairs changed by a global pandemic?
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International Relations (IR) also referred to as International Politics or Global or World Politics is the study of relations between countries; it is an external relation amongst states, nation and people. This concept focuses primarily on national and international politics as distinct from each other because of their organisation or governance (Devetak et al., 2012). According to (Jackson and Sorenson, 2016), the traditional core of IR emphasize on states and their connection helps gives an understanding on why peace and war is the main issue of traditional IR theory. Waltz (1979) avers that the main governing or organizing principles of IR are anarchy and hierarchy. Anarchy is the absence of rule; while hierarchy refers to clear lines of obedience and authority, however, it is a fact that anarchy is a core principle of international relations and the cause why sates go to war.
Therefore, IR can also be defined as a field of knowledge revolving around the organizing principle of anarchy (Waltz, 1979).International relations is an area of knowledge that revolves around the organizing principle of anarchy, since the central presumption and principle are based on the absence of a rule (Devetak et al., 2012).For this reason, anarchy is the primary factor of international relations. “The discipline of IR draws upon traditions of thought that have developed and evolved around the subject matter” (Devetak et al., 2012, p.6). It includes diverse fields such as Economics, History, Law, Politics and Sociology, and covers subjects like political violence, human rights violations, war and its consequences, poverty and lastly, famines and natural disasters. Moreover, it is a study that has been influenced by certain traditions of thought or theories and it is through these theories that we are able to understand world politics, which things matter, and which things do not.
This topic shows a clear context for considering whether international perspectives can capture the origins and dynamics of pandemic-related practices in the modern world. With that being said, this dissertation will start by discussing the effects of previous national pandemics on International relations (world politics) and it will give a brief summary about the Coronavirus and its’ impact on the world.With reference to that, this project will assess how and what international institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) have done to counter the ramifications of the pandemic, since they are regarded as organizations that only care about their interests.
The Covid-19 disease is less lethal than many other recent diseases, such as Ebola, Avian Influenza, and Tuberculosis. Nevertheless, it seems that the Covid-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV – 2) is designed and calibrated to cause immense pain and maximum damage to the world economy.Globalization, interconnectedness, and human mobility permitted COVID’s spread rapidly. However, in contrast to the SARS epidemic of 2003, COVID-infected individuals unintentionally and unknowingly became super-spreaders as they saw little to no symptom progression. Several governments have complied with epidemiologists’ recommendations by effectively shutting down large segments of the economy, thus flattening epidemic curves (Lipscy, 2020).
Effect of Pandamics on World Politics
Pandemics have transformed international politics. Drezner (2020) avers that a historical survey of the relationship between pandemics and international relations provide three insights. First, diseases have profoundly transformed and affected world politics for millennia. Second, pandemics and politics are mutually inter-related; changes in the international affect the dissemination of disease. Third, a series of economic and ideational advances have masked, but not completely eliminated, the impact of pandemics on global politics over the past two centuries.
The most significant pandemics in world history have been characterized by political factors in the spread and virulence. Whether through conquest or commerce, globalization facilitates and contributes to the spread of disease. World politics were forever changed by the Black Death, but its effects were entangled with what McNeil termed “microparasitic elements” (Drezner, 2020). The Black Death was so horrific that it motivated many jurisdictions to persecute foreigners and Jews, believing they were responsible for the pandemic.
As with the 1918 influenza pandemics, the worldwide spread of influenza resulted from political and technological influences and factors. The rapid development of transportation technologies, such as the railroad and steamship, guaranteed the spread of influenza worldwide. As a result of the pandemic’s demographic effects, a social terror comparable to that of the Black Plague developed (Drezner, 2020).
Most of the pandemics that have emerged in the last century have had acute short-term effects. It would be difficult to argue, however, that these diseases triggered transformational change in world politics. Nonetheless, the effects of the Covid-19 disease and pandemic has left a huge mark on world politics in a short amount of time. The world’s long-term HIV / AIDS epidemic has probably had the biggest systematic impact. The disease changed and has distorted global norms regarding the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Community and contributed to the securitization of infectious diseases. The 2003 SARS outbreak did not slow China’s rise in the international system, however, or diminish Chinese influence over global governance structures, including the World Health Organization (WHO). The 2009 H1N1 pandemic caused barely a ripple in international relations. Neither the Ebola nor Zika outbreaks of the past decade affected great power politics. The trendline, prior to the emergence of COVID-19, had been toward more limited effects of infectious diseases in international relations.
For most of human history, pandemics have had a pronounced effect on international affairs. From before the Peloponnesian War to the Napoleonic age, disease has affected the balance of power on multiple occasions. In some cases, such as Spain’s encounter with the Aztecs and Incas, the effect was to aid the more powerful actor, diseases like measles were far more effective than muskets in aiding and abetting the territorial conquest of the New World (Drezner, 2020). In other instances, such as Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, disease was the great leveler. Napoleon lost 120,000 troops to disease just in weeks leading up to the seizure of Moscow tipping the balance. Drezner September 8 2020
Pandemics also played a pivotal role in the decline of the Roman empire. The commercial expansion of Rome enabled microbes to spread easily within the confines of the empire. What had been localized epidemics during the days of the Roman Republic became pandemics that affected the balance of power (Drezner. 2020).
Irrespective of the ramifications the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed on global politics, IR knowledge and proficiency for pandemic response is essential. This is in view of the fact that without IR knowledge or expertise, the political effects of representation, inclusion and power may be disregarded in favor of evaluations based on technical epidemiological advice. With this knowledge triage, multiple policy areas are affected (Davies and Wenham, 2020).
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