Assignment Task
“MITSDE has developed a systematic and focused effort to provide technology enabled FLEXIBLE LEARNING CHANNELS to cater to all your learning needs.” MIT School of Distance Education curriculum is designed according to the guidelines provided by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), A statutory body under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and according to the industry standards keeping at par with international standards of upskilling our students. Live projects are a good opportunity for Post Graduate students to nurture conceptual, analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills. It helps them experience leadership and application of classroom knowledge in real time environment.
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Organisations are actively looking for professionals who have the ability of committing to activities, people, groups, and causes. The real world problems of an organization or its competitors could be a world away from each other and could be all the more different from what is being taught in the classroom. Live projects help students to understand the real world issues and use their skills to solve them.
Good Report
The production of a good piece of technical writing for a project report is as much a part of the project as doing the experimental work. However excellent and original a piece of work the project may be, unless the results can be communicated to other people it may as well not have been done! Communicating results of an investigation in a clear and useful way is a key part of science and is the reason for devoting a lot of effort to this aspect.
The main part of the report should be comprehensible by other stage 3 students. If more detailed information is to be included about some aspects (for instance, a complicated mathematical derivation, of which only the result is essential to the main discussion) consider including this as an appendixIt is not necessary, or even desirable; to describe every minute detail of what was done.
One of the most important aspects of good technical writing is to be concise, yet remain informative. The ability to select what is essential, and to omit what is merely incidental detail, is a skill every scientist needs to develop. In view of this, the main part of your report must be within the word limit(s) specified in the applicable module description. An overlong report will not gain any extra marks instead may receive a lower mark than it otherwise deserves.
Following the format of the report given in this guideline is mandatory as it will include all the important aspects of the report.
Suggestion for writing a Project Report
1. Identify the story you wish to tell. Often this can be simply done by deciding which diagramsand graphs of data you wish to include.
2. I Draw up a plan of what you want to say and how this fits around the diagrams/graphs you want to use.
3. I Extend you plan to an outline that includes all the section headings you will need.
4. I Check through the outline to see that sequence is sensible and that nothing vital has been ignored.
5. I Check your outline through with someone else e.g. fellow student, tutor or demonstrator.
6. I Write a first full draft of the report.
7. I Check the first draft through for consistency, obvious errors and omissions (e.g. figure captions missing? References still to do?) If you can get a friend to read through it critically so much the better.
8. I Revise the draft and re-check until satisfied.
9. I Submit report.
While writing and planning the report pay attention to the following points:
A. IMake sure you mention the background to, and aims of, the investigation
B. IInclude the basic concepts and theory relating to the investigation.
C. IDescribe the procedures used. Identify major sources of error and explain how they were dealt with. Only data directly relevant to the calculation of final results should be presented, omit raw data. Graphs are a particularly effective way of presenting results – only use table where it would make more sense that providing a graph.
D. IFinal results should be presented clearly and concisely; include an analysis of errors, but omit details of arithmetical manipulations.
E. IIf computer code was used or written, give details of the checks and validations you performed on the code.
F. IThe interpretation of the results must be discussed, and improvements and possible extensions of the work suggested.
G. IGive references to any books, articles or other sources of information (e.g. web sites) that have proved useful in preparing the report, or carrying out the work.
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