
Implementation Plan, Evaluation Plan with Control Management Assignment Help

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Place strategy
Place strategy plays a fundamental role in the marketing mix of a product or service. Place strategy outlines how and where a company will place its products and services in an attempt to gain market share and consumer purchases. For us some examples of implementing place could be placing posters around the campus here at Curtin  in various locations where the most likely number of students will see them for example in class rooms and the in the library. The information that will be highlighted on these posters is information about thrive and how we can help you. We will have our logos, mascot and brief information about us on the poster.  Another way we could get the most  exposer would be to have announcements appear on blackboard, every student goes on blackboard so this would be an extremely easy and effect way of advertisement. Similar to our posters we could have some brief information about thrive on the advertisement and how we can help you along with our logo and mascot.  We could also send emails out to all our students here at Curtin as it’s an effective mean of advertising as everyone regularly looks at their emails.  We could also have different social media platforms such as having Facebook and Instagram were our can post information and advertisements about thrive and we can try to reach out to as many people. It is extremely important that when deciding where to advertise that we do it where our target audience will see it, for example for us as we are targeting students at Curtin, we would not be advertisements and having posters at Optus stadium.
Our implementation plan for our strategies at thrive our one we are improving the logo so we will take about a month to improve and create a new logo for thrive which is realistically how long it should take to create a new design logo. Then hopefully after a month we will have our new logo up still in the start of semester one. The implementation plan for improving the website is going to be much longer as it’s a much bigger task. I predicting with all the changes and improvements we want to make to the website with implementing a more effective UI design, creating a personalised account system and an advice section this will take the first half of the year or first semester to complete and then by semester two the new and improved website should be up and running. For our strategy of creating a mascot I am suggesting this will again take the first half of the year to complete as we need to decide on and create a mascot and then include it in our marketing tactics which are posters and merchandise. In the first half of the semester, we should be able to create the logo, create our merchandise which will feature things like T-shirts and some smaller items such as pens and bookmarks and then also create the posters. So, by semester two the mascot should be out and we should be distributing the posters and the merchandise around the campus. For our strategy on establishing a social media pressure this will take a month I believe to create. It will take about to month to create a graphically appealing and powerful Facebook and Instagram account. So still at about the start of semester one we should have our social media accounts up and running. A brands logo is extremely important because it’s the foundation of your brands identity and it needs to grab your attention and make a good first impression so a way, we could monitor that our new and improved logo here at thrive has been effective could be by possibly seeing how many people around campus are actually  talking about thrive. To see how effective both the logo and mascot has been we could see how much of our merchandise we are selling. How many people are wearing our T-shirts and using our pens that have our logo and mascot on  them around campus. How we can monitor that the website effectiveness is by  the overall traffic, viewing how many people are actually going on and  visiting  the website. The average time people are spending on the website. Finding out how long people spend on your website is a great indicator of the engagement on your site. Visitors aren’t going to spend much time on a site they don’t find valuable or engaging. Another way we can monitor how effective the website is by the average page views per session. The average pageviews per session metric shows exactly how many pages of your website a visitor has browsed. Ways we can monitor how effective our social media accounts are is for one seeing how many likes, views and followers are have and are getting on both Facebook and Instagram. For business accounts on Instagram, it allows you to see data on how many people are viewing your account. Another way to monitor our Facebook account effectiveness is by how many people are sharing our posts. We could also monitor our effectiveness by seeing how many tags thrive are getting on by Facebook and Instagram. 
Don’t have much really on how we can monitor the effectiness of logos and mascots?

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