Foundations of Decision Science
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Evidence-based practice is an important aspect of Decision Science. In this assessment, you will have the chance to create and run your own study on human participants via crowdsourcing. This assessment will involve researching human decision making by developing a crowdsourced research design, running the research design and writing a report based on the findings. This will demonstrate your ability to understand some of the relevant literature in the area, identify a method to learn more about how humans make decisions through experimentation, as well as critically analyse human data. You will use your knowledge and skills gained from the workshops and materials presented in the course, and apply them to a research problem. You will use your unique knowledge from the data you collect to provide a research report explaining what you have found, as well as suggest current or future technological innovations which may implement your findings.
Learning Outcomes
A successful completion of this task will demonstrate:
1. An ability to form a clear and answerable hypothesis associated with a given research topic, and justify this with a succinct analysis of relevant literature.
2. An ability to formulate an effective experimental protocol to answer the hypothesis.
3. An understanding of how experimentation can inform future innovations in decision support technologies
4. An understanding of how humans make decisions while interacting with information.
5. An ability to analyse experimental data in order to address a research topic.
6. An ability to effectively communicate the report with appropriate written expression.
7. An understanding of requirements to conduct a study according to ethical guidelines.
8. An ability to work effectively in a group and manage equal contribution across team members
Essential Elements
You must submit a research report with the following sections:
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Method
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. References
8. Statement of Contribution
You must write the report as a team, and will be asked to provide evidence of this in the form of a statement of contribution. In writing your report, you must convince the reader that:
1. You have identified a justifiable hypothesis to address your research topic;
2. You have developed a feasible, practical methodology for testing the hypothesis, using contemporary tools and techniques and reasonable resources;
3. You understand your results and effectively communicate them in the context of the research problem; and
4. Your study adds value by identifying novel implications.
In order to convince the reader of these points your argumentation must be:
Clear — Your writing must be easily understandable by a lay reader, avoiding uncommon terminology and abbreviations.
Concise — You must express your ideas efficiently, so that key points are not obscured by irrelevant material.
Coherent — Your arguments and the conclusions you draw must be structured logically.
Convincing — The overall “story” you tell must be compelling and believable.
Please note that, as your research projects use human subjects, they are subject to ethical guidelines for human research. Research projects conducted in this unit are covered by ethics approval number 1900000132. As such, the guidelines set by this approval must be followed, and any divergence from this will be considered as a breach. The teaching team’s approval of your methodology is therefore essential before commencing data collection. The teaching staff will ascertain whether your proposed methodology meets ethics requirements and will approve or reject it. If you commence any form of data collection from human subjects (whether on the prolific or any other platform, through social media, friends, etc.) without having your methodology approved by teaching staff, this will result in an automatic fail for this assignment.
Part A –
Step 1 – develop preliminary hypothesis In week 7’s workshop, you will finalise team formation and develop a preliminary hypothesis. In Week 8’s workshop, this hypothesis will be further developed into a methodology.
Step 2 – begin literature review You will then conduct a brief review of literature to inform and justify your hypothesis. Note that, upon completing this step, you may need to alter your preliminary hypothesis and/or methodology to align it with relevant literature. In order to restrict your literature review to only the most relevant sources to justify your methodology and hypothesis, you are only required to select 6-8 references to address the following question:
What evidence exists to justify why I would expect this [hypothesis] to happen?
Step 3 – design experiment (with ethics documents) In week 8’s workshop, you will develop your experimental design to test your hypothesis. The next step is to create the experiment, which will take the form of either one or two Google forms (depending on whether you have 2 or 1 condition). This will be what will be provided to participants to collect the experimental data. For a guide on creating and sharing a google form for your experiment, videos and reference material will be provided via Slack and Blackboard. This, along with completed ethics documents that will be made available on Blackboard, will be presented in consultation by week 9 at the latest and will form part of your formative assessment.
Step 4 – present hypothesis, justification, experiment, and ethics documents to teaching team for feedback Create a presentation, in 2 slides, of your hypothesis, and a summary of the evidence you will be citing to justify your hypothesis. Present your slides as well as your completed Google Form(/s) and Ethics forms to teaching staff in the Week 9 tutorial. Note, you will have around 7 minutes for this, so you need to be prepared and succinct in your presentation in order to receive the most helpful feedback. If you would like feedback about your methodology earlier than week 9, you can contact the teaching staff on Slack or receive face-to-face feedback during the workshop times in weeks 7-9. The latest date for presentation to teaching staff for feedback on hypothesis, research design and ethics documents is the worksho.
Step 5 – submit experiment and ethics documents for final approval Integrate feedback provided during your presentation to teaching staff and make necessary edits to you design and/or ethics forms, and submit via Blackboard for final Ethics Approval by Friday 13th May. This is an essential element in order for the teaching team to approve your experimental methodology to be put on the crowdsourcing platform to collect human data [step 6]. Note that, this is the final chance to have your design approved. If it is not approved, we will provide you with a pre-designed study with results that you can use to complete your assignment. In this case, the maximum grade that can be achieved for this assignment is a credit (5).
Part B –
Step 6 – place your study on Prolific Once Part A is complete and if your study has been approved, you can then place your experiment on the crowdsourcing platform, Prolific. In order to do this, you will be given a username and password for a Prolific account with a certain amount of funds loaded to be used to pay participants. It is expected that you access the guide provided on blackboard for placing experiments on Prolific and follow this, asking any questions via slack or email if you are unsure of any part of the process.
Step 7 – analyse data Once you have collected your data, we will be providing learning resources to help you determine which analysis method to use. We will not give you the answers, but will help you know which questions to ask to determine which analysis to use.
Step 8 – write your report The final step involves writing a report to communicate your findings. This is the formally assessable component, and requires all previous steps to be conducted. The required sections of the report are as follows.
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