Assignment Task
Human Body Health Information
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Get Help Now!Q1 Briefly describe the six (6) levels of structural organisation of the human body in order from the smallest structural unit to the largest.
Q2 Life processes in human beings
Briefly describe the following life processes in human beings.
a. Metabolism and the types
b. Nutrition
c. Pathogens
d. Inheritance and ageing
Q3 Describe Cellular adaptation.
Q4 Briefly describe the various causes of disease.
Q5 Explain the various methods of obtaining physical health information.
Q6 Explain the various methods of obtaining physical health information.
Q7 Medical terminologies
Briefly expand the following medical terminologies.
a) Abdominal
b) Vital signs
c) Intracellular
Q8 Explain some of the oral health diseases of the mouth and teeth.
Q9 Explain the ear mechanism that controls the balance and equilibrium of the body (60-70 words).
Q10 Briefly describe the structure and function of the below body systems:
a. Cardiovascular system
b. Respiratory system
c. Musculoskeletal system
d. Integumentary system
e. Urinary system
f. Nervous system
g. Lymphatic system
h. The special senses :
• Smell
• Taste
• Vision
• Equilibrium
• Hearing
i. Endocrine system
j. Digestive system
k. Reproductive system
l. Immune system
Q11 List at least two (2) aids and equipment used for assisting clients with vision and/or hearing impairment.
Q12 Components of the human body
Briefly describe the overall structure and functions of the following components of the human body
a) Cells
b) Tissues
Q13 Describe Angina.
Q14 Describe nosocomial infection.
Q15 What is your understanding of myasthenia gravis?
Q16 Describe compartment syndrome.
Q17 What do you mean by drug contraindication? Mention any two (2) health procedures where medicine consumption is contraindicated.
Q18 What are the different roles and responsibilities of an enrolled nurse in checking the client health status?
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