
HIT235-Digital Systems and Computer Architecture – Engineering Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Traffic light:

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In this tutorial you will combine your knowledge of combinational logic timing circuits and sequential logic to create a traffic light controller. You will:

1. Design the combinational logic for a traffic light controller.
2. Design the timing circuit for a traffic light controller.
3. Design the sequential logic for a traffic light controller.

Task 1: Traffic light controller.


The schematic of a traffic light controller is shown above. The purpose of the traffic light controller is to control the traffic lights at an intersection of two equally busy roads. Because the roads are equally busy each road has an equal length of time green light. If the traffic lights are working normally, what are the four possible combinations of the two lights? The traffic light controller consists of three components: the sequential logic, which determines what state the traffic light controller is in, the timing circuit, which provides a clock pulse and determines how long each state will last and the sequential logic, which determines what the next state will be.

State diagram.

How many states does the traffic light control have? Starting with the state shown above (red light in Main Street and green light in Side Street) and using Grey code for the sequence of the states determine what lights are on in each state. 

Task 2: Combinational logic.

The combinational logic determines what happens in each state. Besides controlling the traffic lights, the combinational circuit also creates the input signals for the timer. There are two timers: a long timer nand a short timer. For what combination of the traffic lights would you use the long timer and for what combination would you use the short timer? Create the combinational logic for the traffic lights with MultiSim. Demonstrate that it works by using switches to control the input signals and indicators for all output signals. The traffic lights can be found in the Advanced_Peripherals group. 

Task 3: Timing circuits.

The timing circuit for the traffic light controller is shown in Figure 2. There are two inputs: the input which triggers the short timer and the input which triggers the long timer. The circuit has three outputs: the output of the short timer, the output of the long timer and the clock signal. Determine which input triggers the long timer and which input triggers the short timer. Which of the outputs is the clock signal and which of the outputs are the long timer signal and the short timer signal? Note that the values for the resisters and capacitors are chosen for simulation purposes. To build the real circuit these values must be adjusted. The pulse detector is the similar to the one in tutorial 5 but it is recommended to use a few extra inverters to create the glitch. Build the circuit using MultiSim and demonstrate that it works


Task 4: Sequential logic 1.

The sequential logic determines whether the traffic light controller will remain in the same state at the next clock pulse or whether it will go to the next state and if so, what the next state will be. This is based on the current state is and the timing inputs. Create the truth table for the sequential logic circuit and describe the circuit with a Sum Of Product expression. Minimize the expression.

Task 5: Sequential logic 2.

Build the sequential component of the traffic light controller using two 74LS74 flip-flops and a number of gates. Demonstrate that it works.

Task 6: Controller.

Finally, put it all together, as shown in Figure 1, and demonstrate that it works. 

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