
Histories of Slavery and its Legacies – Arts and Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Task


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Essay Instructions:

“A History of Pan-African Revolt leaves us with two incontrovertible facts. First, as long as black people are denied freedom, humanity, and a decent standard of living, they will continue to revolt. Second, unless these revolts involve the ordinary masses and take place on their own terms, they have no hope of succeeding.” -Robin Kelley, Introduction to C.L.R James, A History of Pan-African Revolt (PM Press, 2012), p.33

This essay focuses on the social structure, social dynamics, and social movements of enslavement at the time of the Haitian Revolution, and ongoing struggles for emancipation from systemic racism today. The assignment gives you an opportunity to analyse social crisis and social movements for social change from a number of perspectives across time and place. 

Assignment Task:

Write two letters about the social crisis and dynamics of the Haitian Revolution; and two letters about the current social crisis and social dynamics of Black Lives Matter/Movements for Black Lives challenging histories and legacies of racism today. In addition to these four letters, your assignment must include an Introduction (half a page in length), a Conclusion, and a Bibliography (with at least four entries).


Introduce the letters that you have written and briefly locate them in their historical contexts (Haiti in 1791-1804 and somewhere in the Atlantic World ie SA/North America/Europe, in 2022). The introduction and the conclusion should both be written in essay style, from the perspective of yourself as a student of history. 

Part A: Letters (2) from the Haitian Revolution.

Choose two different people from the list below, and write a two-page letter from their perspective of each of these two. These letters should be written in the voice of the person you choose to represent/imagine and be addressed to someone in particular of your choice. Unless otherwise stated, all these people are based on the island of San Domingue (later Haiti). These letters should be written in the voice of the person you choose to represent/imagine and be addressed to someone in particular of your choice. The letters can be addressed to anyone, anywhere, but you need to make it clear who the imagined audience/recipient of the letter is.

1. A Black Jacobin leader. [Ex.Toussaint L’Ouverture, Dessalines, Boukman, Suzanne Belair]

2. A Black Jacobin rebel, whether African Born or island born Slave, male or female [specify]

3. A Jacobin in France.

4. Petit Blanc.

5. A French sugar plantation owner.

6. A Mulatto.

7. A Maroon.

8. An enslaved woman involved in everyday forms of resistance.

9. A Pan-African activist, artist, or contemporary writer [Ex. CLR James, Walter Rodney, Amy Ashwood Garvey, George Padmore, Kwame Nkrumah, Edwidge Dandicat, D’bi Young.

Each letter should include information about some or all of the following themes:

1. What life felt like for you during slavery in Haiti.

2. What this system was like for someone in your position.

3. Your analysis or explanation as to why your life was like this.

4. Your description of the changing events of the Haitian revolution from your perspective.

5. Your views/experience/role in or response to the revolution.

6. How things shifted for you over the 12 years of the unfolding struggle, and why?

Part B: Letters (2) about Black Lives Matter Protests today:

Choose two different people living somewhere in the Atlantic World (ie SA, Europe, the Americas) experiencing or witnessing contemporary movements for Black lives and write a one-page letter from the perspective of each. Each letter must reflect on the current crisis of systemic racism today and one recent protest movement that has raised issues of the ongoing legacies of slavery/colonization and the issues of memory and narrative (framing of history) that this movement raises. One of these letters can be from your own position/perspective (i.e. from you in SA today), and one must be from someone in a different place, or with a different analysis, making different arguments and choices or reflections in response to the protest you choose to engage. These letters should be written in the voice of the person you choose to represent/imagine and be addressed to someone in particular of your choice. The letters can be addressed to anyone, anywhere, but you need to make it clear who the imagined audience/recipient of the letter is.

In choosing perspectives, use the readings from Week 12 as your guide. For example, you might choose to write about Black Lives Matter anti-racist protests that toppled the statue of Colston in Bristol or in Montreal. You might choose to write about movement for black lives from feminist activists in the USA. You might choose to compare Rhodes Must Fall in South Africa to Oxford. You can choose for example, to be an organizer, a witness, a student, a grandmother, a politician, a leader, a supporter, someone in opposition etc. It is up to you who you imagine to be and the position you take in your letter. However, the issue you are discussing should be a real example of current movements (see Week 11 readings) which take on the legacies of enslavement, black internationalism, and Pan-Africanism today (and I would encourage you to go back to the lectures and to the Annette Joseph-Gabriel and Anthony Bogues readings for this).

Your letter should include information about some or all of the following themes:

1. Who are you and where are you based? Describe/sketch out the current social structure for someone in your position and your relationship to the protest movement you are focusing on.

2. Your views/experience/role in or response to the movement.

3. What are the main issues at hand in the situation you are writing about?

4. What is your understanding, opinion, and involvement (if any) of the protest movement you are reflecting on?

5. To what extent do you think it is related to longer and larger histories of slavery and slave rebellions?

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