
HAPIA Present Your Science Research & Review – Medical Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


• The HAPIA ‘Present Your Science’ task contributes 25% towards your final grade for Human Anatomy and Physiology IA.
• It is divided into two parts:

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  • Part A: Research and Prepare 
  • Part B: Review and Record

One of the most important skills that you will need to learn at university is how to effectively communicate and share your knowledge, skills and passion with the rest of the world. There are many ways that scientists share their work, including appearing on radio and TV; publishing research papers in journals; and attending national and international conferences. At conferences, scientists either give an oral presentation or present a scientific poster summarising their work.
For this task, you will need to prepare a scientific poster on the pathophysiology of a disease related to one of the content modules covered in Human Anatomy and Physiology IA. You can choose any disease that you like for this assignment but to make it interesting and engaging for you, we strongly recommend that you pick a topic that you either have a passionate interest in or want to learn more about (e.g. perhaps you have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed with a particular condition, and you would like to learn more about it). 

Briefly, for Part A you will:
• Select a focused topic covering pathophysiology of a disease relevant to content covered in HAPIA
• Locate and reference credible scientific information
• Prepare a scientific poster

For Part B you will:
• Review instructor feedback on your poster
• Use this feedback to edit and improve your poster
• Present your final poster via a 5-minute recorded narration

Part A: Research and Prepare
Step 1: Select a Topic
Select a research topic that is:
• Focused and clear. Show us that you understand one or two aspects of a very specific topic instead of superficially discussing many aspects of a very broad topic.
• Related to content covered in one of the HAPIA modules. See MyUni for a list of modules.
• An extension or enhancement of material covered in lectures. ‘Pathophysiology of Greenstick Fractures of Bone’ would be an appropriate topic as this will not be discussed in lectures and it extends your knowledge of bone tissue.
• Discuss the biological, rather than public health, aspect of a topic. For example, your topic cannot be ‘Effectiveness of the slip, slop, slap campaign in preventing skin cancer’ as this is public health focused. However, ‘Pathophysiology of squamous cell carcinoma” is human anatomy and physiology focused and acceptable.

Step 2: Locate Appropriate Information
Information must only come from credible scientific sources (with the exception of Figures/Images – these can come from noncredible sources if necessary). The most credible scientific sources are research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The University’s Writing Centre has prepared the following ‘Source Credibility’ guide that will help you assess if a source is/isn’t credible.

Unacceptable sources of information include:
• Wikipedia and other encyclopedias, and dictionaries ?
• Lecture notes ?
• Personal communications (i.e. conversations/emails etc. that you’ve had with other people) ?
• Promotional brochures or advertising materials ?
• Websites that have no clear author, or lack citations to original research papers ?

In general, websites don’t meet the requirements for being a credible, academic source because they are likely not peer-reviewed, often contain outdated information and are likely affected by bias. Further, URLs for websites can break, leaving your audience unable to verify your claims, and are often written for an uninformed/public audience, which means that key aspects of the science involved are often not discussed or explained in detail.

Step 3: Update the Class
In Week 5, you will be required to inform your tutor of the topic that you have selected for your poster and provide a broad overview of what it will contain. Your tutor will then confirm whether your selected topic is appropriate (e.g. if it is too broad, then they may suggest that you narrow it down). This is also a good chance for you to tell your tutor of any issues that you may be having (eg. finding credible sources, deciding on how the content will be displayed, etc).

Step 4: Prepare a Poster
Using Microsoft PowerPoint, prepare a scientific poster. Your poster must contain the following elements:
• Title. It must clearly and succinctly reflect the content of the poster.
• Name of Author. Include both your first and last name, and your student ID
• Introduction. Gives background information for the topic and establishes what is coming.
• Aim/Hypothesis/Question. Indicates the purpose of the poster and what specific topic(s) will be investigated and discussed.
• Body. Contains most of the content and is a logical development of the subject matter. Your poster must be visually pleasing and catch the eye of the reader, so please include visual elements such as headings, figures and tables.
• Conclusion. Summarises the main points of the poster, and includes suggestions for future research if appropriate.
• References. In-text citations and a full Reference List must be included in Harvard referencing style.

Part B: Review and Record
Step 6: Review Assessor Feedback and Update Your Poster
Your tutor (assessor) will review and grade your poster and provide you with feedback via MyUni approximately 2 weeks aftersubmission. Read this feedback carefully and update and improve your poster based on this feedback.

Step 5: Record a Poster Narration
Use the ‘Recording’ functionality in PowerPoint to record a 5-minute narration of your final Poster. If you are unsure how to record a narration over a slide in PowerPoint, please read the following guide.

Treat this narration as if you were presenting your poster to the class – the aim is to summarise your poster topic to the rest of the class. Your narration must:
• Briefly explain to the class why your topic is of interest to them.
• Summarise the findings of your research and discuss the key take-home messages of your poster.
• Use the visual elements in your poster (i.e. figures, charts and tables) to emphasise those key messages.
• NOT be just a direct reading of the text on your poster (do not simply read your poster verbatim!).
• NOT cover things like why you chose your colour scheme, how you went about putting your poster together etc.
• Be narrated by you.
• Be 5 mins long (we allow 10% leeway either way, so no less than 4:30 min and no more than 5:30 min).
• Consist of a single audio file.

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