Gender Diversity In Leadership Position: A Boon Or A Challenge
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The main objective of this research study will be to analyse and evaluate the impact of workforce diversity, particularly in leadership positions. This research study is vital in terms of analysing and evaluating the implication of gender diversity in leadership positions of corporate organisations will be beneficial or whether this step will generate challenges in the management process. This research study intends to conceptualise workforce diversity in terms of similarities and distinctions related to age, gender, sex, religion, and ethnicity. Another factor for this research study is to analyse the various challenges faced by business management while performing gender diversity in upper managerial positions.
Past research study has shown multiple effects upon which it is quite difficult to conclude whether gender diversity in the workforce provides any kind of benefit to the companies or whether it leads to mismanagement or failure in the organisation. Such limitations have created a scope and led the researchers to study further on this particular topic to find out relevant data and information regarding the challenges and opportunities faced by the management in terms of putting both men and women in leadership positions.
As per the report published in “Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective”, only 16.9 percent of women hold the position of board globally (Deloitte, 2019). It has only increased 1.9 percent from last year’s publication. This report concludes that women are undergoing several challenges and are under-represented during corporate boards. As a matter of fact, this shows a slow progression of women’s empowerment in corporate sectors. The board chairmen of Deloitte stated that it will take more than 30 years for women to achieve gender parity at the managerial level, and will only remain limited to those countries, that are making continuous efforts to overcome this situation. Research studies have shown continuous results that enhancing gender diversity in the workforce will not only lead to better business in the organisation but also lead to better decision-making, better management which leads to power innovation, and several other advantages.
Gender diversity barriers in board rooms and more significantly throughout the working place are persistent. Unconscious bias, outdated workplace, and lack of sponsorship are some of the few factors which are stopping any women from acquiring their leadership position roles. In terms of global positioning, women only hold 4.4% of CEO Job positions (Deloitte, 2019). If the concern is about the CFO position, which is three times more divergent, women could only hold 12.7 percent of global positions. Data from this research study shows that women from France, Finland, Belgium, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden hold only 30% of the entire board. Out of these six, only three have provided gender quota regulations. Norway was the first country to implement gender Quota regulation and holds 41% of women onboard. France has a 40% gender quota regulation and holds 37% women on board. Belgium requires ? presentation of each gender and holds 30% women on boards (Deloitte, 2019). Few countries like New Zealand, Sweden, and Finland are lacking behind on implementing gender quotas, instead, they are addressing gender diversity efforts via self-regulation and governance code in corporate sectors.
Following are the potential objectives:
- To evaluate the role and relevance of gender diversity in a leadership position
- To analyze how companies from different countries are being benefited from innovative gender diversity approaches in leadership positions
- To explore challenges that companies faced while promoting gender diversity in a leadership position
- To recommend effective and innovative strategies that might prove to be influential to represent gender diversity in managerial positions as a boon
Problem statement
Gender diversity is a critical issue for businesses to work on in order to assure success in today’s economy. A business must be mindful of gender diversity if it wishes to maintain a positive brand image, generate new ideas, and grow rapidly. When females are underrepresented on recruitment and executive boards, the authors believe that they cannot make a difference in a company’s policy and decision-making processes. Different companies are gradually adapting to diversity and learning to treat women on an equal footing with men. Gender disparities in the labour market are fast diminishing, but there are still relatively few women in senior positions, particularly in top management.
Women outweigh men in leadership roles in the majority of firms, according to a European Union research, Women and Men in Leadership Positions. Women with advanced degrees and expertise are underutilised, resulting in a loss of economic growth potential. Despite the fact that research from numerous countries demonstrates that “companies with a higher proportion of women at the top deliver stronger organisational and financial performance as well as better corporate governance,” only 16.6 percent of board members of large publicly traded companies in the 27 EU Member States are women.
Literature review
Gender diversity in leadership positions is important in every company so that every employee of that particular organization can have an equal opportunity to grow. As stated by Moreno-Gómez et al. (2018), if the leadership team of any particular company has diverse employees then it will be beneficial for that company to make the best and most suitable decision to grow. In this regard, gender diversity is important to be considered as well. If a company gives equal priority to every employee while selecting an employee as a leader based on their performance then it will also motivate their employees to give their best in favour of that particular organization (Moreno-Gómez et al. 2018). Therefore, this will help that particular organization to provide best service to their clients and customers.
Diversity and leadership
The tone of an organisation is defined by its leaders, not just the person at the top, but the entire organisation. To put it another way: There is a role for formal leadership in steering an organisation towards a specific objective (Kang et al., 2019). This goal can be financial, quality-related, etc. They also have a significant role in determining a company’s sense of purpose and sense of humanity. As a result of their power to ban child labour suppliers and fire employees who may have authorised it, the company’s senior executives have a significant impact on the company’s overall morale. They can also affect the company’s purchasing and selling practises.
Top executives frequently have the most say in how money is dispersed at the corporate level, thus they also have a lot of influence over how their company operates. Key performance indicators (KPIs) in measurable diversity variables will drive lower-level managers to accommodate upper management if an organisation decides to invest in diversifying through KPI implementation. It’s a fact that A company’s values must originate from the highest echelon of management, the steering group, in order for them to be implemented throughout the organisation. This allows people to focus on the activities they need to do and not waste time looking about for the best approach to do them.
All employees need a common set of values to guide their behaviour and decision-making. As stated by (Kang et al., 2019), if men are more likely to have a negative opinion of female leaders, this needs to be generated through execution and clear communication from top management all the way down in the organisation. Setting an example for others may necessitate removing a person with these ideas from the organization’s leadership.
Research from the Conference Board reveals that by having women in the leadership team, the leadership palette is enriched with a diverse perspective and constructive opposition, which is a positive outcome (Kang et al., 2019)
Research Questions
The main question for the basis of all the discussion is whether gender diversity in leadership or managerial position can prove to be beneficial or detrimental for the corporate firms operating for commercial interests. In this regard, following research questions will be answered:
Q1 What is the role and relevance of gender diversity in a leadership position?
Q2 How companies from different countries are being benefited from innovative gender diversity approaches in leadership positions?
Q3 What are the challenges that companies face while promoting gender diversity in a leadership position?
Q4 What are the effective recommendations and innovative strategies that might prove to be influential to represent gender diversity in managerial positions as a boon?
Data Analysis
Data analysis basically refers to the various procedures which help in the application of the statistical and numerical techniques of data in a systematic manner. Data analysis further helps in the description and the illustration of data which can be considered of vital significance for research (Shareia, 2019). There is a prevalence of a large number of different research analytical methods such as descriptive, predictive, exploratory and causal data analysis. Descriptive data analysis basically helps in the description of data and in also the summarization of data in a collective manner. The descriptive data analysis of the accumulated data encircles the establishment of tables and also in identifying the patterns. Thematic data analysis will be used in this particular research. Some benefits of thematic data analysis can be observed in regard to this manner. The discretionary of this method approves a larger and broader range of analytical options. This research method is basically applicable to the various questions in research which surpasses the experience of an individual.
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