Assignment Task
This literature review assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to develop writing and critical view of the literature on a topic of their choice in consultant with the course coordinator
Topics: Any topic on the application of functional genomics and/or proteomics in any filed, such as the use of functional genomics in cancer research or the application of pharmacogenomics in psychiatry.
Length: 1200-1500 words for UG students and 1800-2000 words for PG students (not including references), tables and figures (if any). Please note that 10% of marks will be deducted if the number of words written in your review is 10% less than or 20% longer than required.
The literature review should consists of an Introduction, a main body and a conclusion
Total marks available are 30
Assessment due date: 28 September 2021
Please submit your literature review onto CANVAS by the due date. You can submit a single Word Document/PDF file.
A literature review is an exploration of the published literature on a particular topic. Sources of the published literature may include scholarly journal articles, books, government reports, and other sources. It has an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
Title (1 mark): A concise title of no more than 15 words
Introduction (5 marks)
Provide background on the topic and its importance, and state your objective.
Body (15 marks)
– Provide a description, summary and evaluation of each source and combine them into a logical whole.
– Analyse and interpret the literature, do not just paraphrase them
– Use subheadings, create a logical structure of the review
Conclusion (5 marks)
Summarise the key findings, emphasise their significance and suggestions for future research.
References and language (4 mark)
– References cited in text must appear in the reference list and vice versa (except for the sources when no author can be identified – these are cited in text and are not included in the reference list).
– Be consistent with the formatting style
-Clear and concise writing style.
-Appropriate use of scientific language.
The title is concise and not more than 15 words 0.63 Pts
It is understandable but not very concise 0.25 Pts
It’s too hard to understand, and too long 0 Pts
The title is totally irrelevant to the body of the literature
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroductionProvide background on the topic and its important, and state your objective 5 Pts
Very good
Excellent topic background and its important and the objective of the review is clearly stated 3 Pts
Good background of the topic and the objective is clear. There may be some minor inaccuracies in the information. 2 Pts
The background and objective are poorly written and not very relevant to the topic 0 Pts
No relevant information
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeBody- Provide a description, summary and evaluation of each source and combine them into a logical whole.- Analyse and interpret the literature, do not just paraphrase them- The articles reviewed are clearly inter-related- Use subheadings, create a logical structure of the review 15 Pts
Very Good
Information obtained from each source are exceptionally communicated, combined and analysed. The structure is logical organised and clear. 11.25 Pts
Information are organised, interpreted and communicated well. Some statements may contain minor error. 5 Pts
The literature isn’t analysed and most are wrongly interpreted. 0 Pts
No relevant information
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeConclusionSummarise the key findings, emphasise their significance and suggestions for future research. 5 Pts
Very Good
Clear and logical conclusions are drawn from the scientific literature and limitations are identified. 3.75 Pts
Conclusions are clear but may contain some gaps in logic. 1.25 Pts
Conclusions contain large gaps in logic 0 Pts
No conclusion or it’s irrelevant
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeReferences- References cited in text must appear in the reference list and vice versa (except for the sources when no author can be identified – these are cited in text and are not included in the reference list).- Be consistent with the formatting style- Write in a clear and concise way-Appropriate use of scientific language 4 Pts
Very Good
Information is correctly referenced –in-text and in reference list. The formatting style is used consistently through the review. The review is well written and concise and scientific language is used well. 3 Pts
Missing one or two references or the formatting style is not consistently used. Writing style is reasonable, although some grammatical or scientific errors. 1 Pts
Many references cited in text but not appear in the reference list and different formatting styles were used. The writing is very unclear and the use of scientific terms is not appropriate. 0 Pts
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