Assignment Task
Ornstein and Hunkins (2014) provide an explanation of the formal operations stage from Piaget theory to assist you Senior and FET teacher to understand that a learner at the age of 11 and upwards can do the following:
grasp formal and abstract operations,
analyse ideas
comprehend spatial and temporal relationships,
think logically about abstract information
evaluate information
construct theories
reach conclusions
1.1 Design learning outcomes for at three lessons in your specialisation subject using the seven performances given by Piaget for learners who are at the formal operations stage. [ 21 marks]
1.2 Create activities to be carried out by learners for each of the seven performances [ 28 marks]
Read the statement by the Neuroscientist theorists on new framework for 21st century teaching and learning.
We advise teachers of the 21st century to prepare themselves for a classroom of a new generation of learners. This generation easily get bored with factual knowledge, this means knowledge that does not relate to real life world and real situations. This generation of learners is vocal and easy to challenge status quo about world experiences and they are known to be inquisitive, they want to know more about relationships in their social and physical world.”
Explain how you will practice the new teaching and Learning framework pillar “Common sense of doing” in teaching your subject specialisation (to learn it, do it). [11 marks]
Write brief reflectionsabout the importance of knowledge you have acquired from the reading of the 9 pillars of the New Framework for learning in the 21st century.
What have you found relevant to your professional development or training? (your own ideas from critical thinking). Do not exceed a paragraph of 150 words.[15 marks]
How do this information or knowledge influenced you thinking about teaching and learning? (your own thoughts and feelings). Do not exceed a paragraph of 150 words[15 Marks]
Imagine yourself in a classroom as a coach and a facilitator. Explain what you must do differently from the transmitter of knowledge. Do not exceed a paragraph of 100 words[10 marks]
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