Assignment Task
Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:
1. Examine the role of major groups of financial institutions within the UK and the financial services and products that they offer.
2. Critically analyse the main characteristics of the regulatory framework within which groups of financial institutions operate.
3. Evaluate factors that trigger new products, operations and regulations within financial institutions
4. Analyse and reflect on the emerging trends that could shape financial institutions and their regulations.
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General guidance
The assessment for this unit is one coursework assignment. The required mark has been set at 50%.
This is an individual assessment. Whilst there is no objection to you discussing the content of this assignment with your peers, your final submission must be completely your own work. Plagiarism and copying will not be tolerated and may lead to subsequent penalties being imposed. This is an individual assignment and all calculations, analysis and narrative submitted must be your own work. The assignment will require a considerable personal investment of time and effort.
Structure of the assignment
There are three separate questions included within the assignment and you should attempt all three questions. When determining the amount of effort and words for each section of the assignment it will be advisable to examine the weighting of the marks allocated to each question. The recommended font size is 12 (Arial or Times New Roman) and round of numbers to two decimal points. If any part of the assignment is ignored then this reduces the maximum marks, which could potentially be earned.
Question 1
Presented in Appendix 1 is a list of companies in FTSE 100. The list includes banks and insurance companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
You are required to:
A. Pick a bank and an insurance company with operations in the UK from Appendix 1. Critically analyse their roles within the UK financial services industry, noting the main characteristics of the regulatory framework within which they operate.
B. Identify four (4) financial products and discuss factors that have triggered their development in your chosen bank and insurance company.
Your report should refer to historical and recent relevant developments within the bank and insurance companies chosen in the UK. You should support your report with appropriate data and references.
Question 2
The Covid-19 pandemic came as a surprise and hit every sector of the world economy. In response to this, the UK government has made significant measures to support individuals, companies and financial institutions.
In the past, financial institutions have been major culprits, particularly in the 2008/9 financial crisis, when they were bailed out. During the recent Covid-19 crisis, they have had a different role in supporting the economy as channels by granting new loans and providing moratoriums on existing ones.
“The big four banks had provided more than 80 percent of the government-backed loans designed to help small and medium-sized businesses through the pandemic, as of the end of June, 2020” (FT, 2020).
Discuss the impact of
A. government measures during Covid-19 pandemic on the UK financial institutions
B. Covid-19 pandemic on financial instruments’ issuance, day-to-day operations, and financial sources of UK financial institutions
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