Explain what you learned about transitions of care and what area of the continuum of care you plan to address

Explain what you learned about transitions of care and what area of the continuum of care you plan to address
The selected article explored the impact that COVD-19 has on pharmacy transitions of care services. According to Herzik & Laressa, the emergence of COVID-19 has resulted in changes in the manner in which healthcare services are delivered. New healthcare measures prioritize the safety of healthcare works and those of patients. The pharmacy setting has also witnessed remarkable changes especially in bid to reduce physical contact in the drug discharge process. Besides reducing patient-provider interaction, the authors mention that there has been altered visitor policies which makes it challenging for care givers to have access to the best possible medication list that the patient was using before going to hospital.
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Get Help Now!Some of the remedies that the author puts in place in response to the COVID-19 challenges include reconciliation of admission medication, maintaining effective communication by providing patients with proper education and sensitization measures. Other measures include adopting Telehealth and phone health encounters that guarantee safety to patients. On discharge prescriptions, Herzik & Laressa argue that prescribers need to either electronically or telephonically submit the medical prescriptions to retail pharmacies as a way of minimizing the direct handling of paper prescriptions. The CDC also discourages against paper-based medical prescriptions especially for the most vulnerable populations.
There are a lot of insights gained from learning the transitions of care. Firstly, transitions of care should consider the healthcare condition of the patient in order to provide exceptionally safe and patient-centered care. Secondly, healthcare providers should address the emerging needs of the vulnerable population as they design transition of care programs for the patients with underlying conditions and the elderly. The specialty transition of care is addressing medical needs of the elderly patients who are at risk of many chronic healthcare conditions.
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Explain what you learned about transitions of care and what area of the continuum of care you plan to address
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