Excluding salary, should all employees enjoy access to exactly the same compensation benefits (fringe benefits, deferred compensation, and retirement plan benefits) regardless of job description? Why or why not?
Employees are key stakeholders in any organization. A well dedicated workforce will help an organization to meet both its short-term and long-term goals. However, employees will give their optimal performance when working in an environment where they feel motivated and their efforts are appreciated (Abualoush et al.,2018). Besides salary, there are other compensation packages that should be given to all employees. One moral and ethical principle in organizational management is the ability of the organization to treat every employee equally. However, it is not mandatory that all employees are given exactly the same compensation benefits (Saman, 2020).
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Every job description attracts a different salary scale and hence should also attract different fringe benefits. In social security schemes for instance, the retirement benefits that an employee is set to receive depends on how much they saved in a social scheme (Shanock et al.,2019). The more a person saves in the scheme, the more they are likely to earn as benefits. Similarly, employees capped at managerial levels are deemed to perform more responsibilities and reflect the image of the organization more than those at lower ranks in the organization (Kulikowski & Sedlak, 2020). Therefore, such employees should enjoy more fringe benefits as compared to those that are low in the organization’s rank.
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Having exactly similar fringe benefits waters down the motive of such benefits as they are supposed to motivate more. Those who show better results are perceived to be mor dedicated and hence can attract some benefits that others may not receive. For instance, an organization can institute cafeteria subsidies for employees that achieve the set performance targets while those who don’t meet such targets may be denied the privilege for a while so that they work harder (Clemens, Kahn & Meer, 2018). It is for such reasons that some benefits cannot be granted equally in the organization.
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