
Environmental Conditions Arising from COVID-19 – Report Writing Environmental Studies Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Since your last report, there has been significant change in the context of the proposed project. This includes changes to the social, political and environmental conditions arising from COVID-19.

In order to make a business decision that reflects the current situation in Victoria, we would like to request a report that details the following sections:

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1). What is a medi-hotel?

Please provide a comprehensive definition and explanation, using references and updated information. This section should describe the concept in detail.

2). NEW PESTEL and SWOT analyses (using the different Aguilar and Humphrey models).

Please formulate a new set of analysis tables, that reflect the updated health information, vaccination regulations and any other current legislation or business restrictions.

3). NEW Recommendations for opening medi-hotel or remaining as a public hotel.

Please create a list of detailed recommendations that make explicit reference to Victoria Health, competitor websites and reliable news sources.

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