
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management & Leadership Idea Pitch Case Study Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task


  • Ctically analyse the nature, characteristics and challenges of establishing different kinds of enterprise.
  • Critically assess own entrepreneurial skills and attributes.
  • Evaluate what makes a successful commercial or social entrepreneur.
  • Be able to evaluate innovative and entrepreneurial management processes for a project or organisation.
  • Evaluate methods for encouraging creativity and innovation in organisations.
  • Evaluate potential creative and innovative management ideas.
  • Critically explore how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change.
  •  Be able to critically assess proposals developed from new ideas.
  • Analyse business ideas.
  • Evaluate production, and marketing feasibility of new business ideas.
  • Produce business planning forecasts using financial techniques.
  • Be able to develop a business plan.
  • Develop a business plan for a new business.
  • Develop a control and monitoring mechanism for the business plan

Task  – Business idea pitch 

You are to propose three business ideas for this assignment which could then be explored further in a presentation to your class. Feedback from the class for each idea should be summarised as peer evaluation.
1. Review what make a successful commercial or social entrepreneur and evaluate your own skills and attributes in that area.
2. Propose the business ideas and assess the challenges that goes with them.

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